Beauty Product Reviews | Page 11

If shimmer is your thing then you'll be all over this one.

Sometimes glittery shimmer is great... but sometimes it's not the look I'm going for. This has a lot of shimmer to it. I noticed that when i don't allow my foundation to set and dry completely and I go to blend this blush it can get a little grey- not cute.

For a dewy look this is a winner.

I was tired of the matte finishes all of my foundation seemed to give me so one day I tried this out as an alternative. I looooved how fresh and dewy my skin looked! It's a super thin consistency so it goes on easily and is totally blendable.

It doesn't have great staying power or super good coverage so this isn't ideal for covering tattoos or scars, but I since I only used it on my face, I didn't really care. I always make sure to wear some Dr. Feelgood by Benefit (primer) because I noticed my pores tend to look exaggerated when I use this. Worth a little extra prep work for the healthy glow it gives me!

Good for full coverage.

I forgot how much I loved this foundation until I just saw it on here. It's hard for me to stick with a product because I'm always trying new brands, but just like the MAC powder, I'll be going back to this one.

I need full coverage and this did a great job without feeling too heavy. On days when my face was more clear I'd mix this with a little bit of moisturizer to tone down the coverage. A little goes a long way with this so it's a good investment for that reason alone.

I totally wanted to cry when I dropped and broke mine...

it was seriously my favorite powder of all time. I've tried different brands since but I'll be going back to this one. Great coverage for my problem skin. Totally buildable but doesn't get cakey at all. It's silky but not shimmery. There's so much pigment in the product it lasted me a really long time... until I smashed it on the pavement, that is!

Worth the bucks.

I know they're expensive but I really love my MAC eyeshaddows. I decided to go all out and just get the big palette, but since I use it almost every day, I don't feel bad for spending so much. And the best part of the palette is that you can add/remove colors as needed since it's magnetic.

They have a wide range of colors and finishes. Unless you want a really subtle look make sure you use a primer or some kind of base with these. I noticed my color tends to fade fast when I don't. I especially love the matte colors- like their orange! Sounds crazy but it looks great with blonde hair and green eyes.

Fellow Acne-prone ladies beware..

If you also go to battle with bad skin on a regular basis you might want to think twice before you try this product. I'm a clean girl but Acne is caused by bacteria trapped in the skin. When you use products like this with abrasives (the "skin polishers" or non chemical/enzyme exfoliants) you run the risk of making your Acne even worse!

How? Because the little ground up bits in this product actually scratch the surface of your skin which can cause the bacteria to spread and cause even more breakouts! EEK!

The creamy part of this formula is nice and the scent is nice too. I've used it to exfoliate my arms and legs since realizing it was wreaking havoc on my face. It leaves kind of a film on the skin though so make sure you're rinsing really well and I wouldn't use it to exfoliate if you're spray tanning afterward.

Don't skip the important step of exfoliating if you have problem skin though! I stick with chemical and enzyme varieties and have had much better (and clearer) results.

I didn't love it.

I don't have huge issues with dark circles but I do tend to get a little dry under my eyes. Sometimes the skin there would get irritated after I applied this. On good days when it didn't bother my skin I liked the way it looked. Just not worth the occasional discomfort though so I stopped using it. MAC has a brightener for the face that works much better than this one anyways that's never bothered my eyes.

Used it all the time.

I just realized that this has been missing from my make up bag.. time to stock up again! I used this almost every day for the inner corners of my eyes and along the water line. Really does make you look more awake.

Feels nice till your foundation slips off...

I like the feel of this product and definitely see an improvement in how my pores appear when I apply it but it kind of messes with my foundation. I noticed that when I prime with this my make up just won't stay on. So while it does it's job in smoothing me out it also interferes with my coverage... Kind of defeats the purpose!

Smells great, silky finish.

Gives you a sexy glow and has a nice scent to it. Just think about what perfume you're going to be wearing so you don't clash! Sometimes I go a little overboard applying this and end up giving my skin a little too much of a pink sheen. But if you can manage to hold back and apply just a little, it's great!

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