Beauty Product Reviews | Page 9

For a drugstore brand I was impressed.

I always like to try, well, everything lol.. so I was pretty excited to get this product home and test it out. It's heavily pigmented in a light formula so you can get great coverage without having to put a ton on. Dries to a matte finish. The color was pretty good too- a little on the pinkish side for me but it wasn't too bad after the rest of my makeup was done. I'd totally buy it again.

Takes off the stubborn stuff.

Before I discovered coconut oil as an eyemakeup remover I used this. It does what it's supposed to do- remove makeup. This one didn't irritate my sensitive eyes, either. The only thing I don't like is the "oily" film left over, even though it's oil-free. If I'm going to end up with a greasy finish I'd rather have it be from natural ingredients, like super moisturizing coconut oil, which absorbs by morning time and leaves my skin looking fresh.

Comes with a tool for slathering- always a plus!

This is for heavy coverage, although if you used a light enough hand (and maybe a sponge applicator instead of your fingers) you could get away with a light finish. I have some serious skin issues that sometimes call for the big guns- that would be this product.

No one's face is just one color so I decided to invest in two shades and I blend accordingly. The makeup artist that turned me on to these products suggested I apply it with my fingers so that the product can heat up and blend more smoothly.

I really only wear this when I'm going to go out because it IS obvious that you have foundation on when you wear it. And be careful if you're starting to see some lines on your face because they'll look more like the Grand Canyon after you plaster this stuff on. I also always set this one with a finishing powder because it smears easily.

See photo below for a before/after using only DermaBlend (no bronzer, blush, or powder applied yet).

Huge jet-black lashes are mine at last!

I love this mascara. It's seriously one of the best I've tried (and I've tried a lot). The big wand makes application really easy. It builds nicely too so if you don't want to go full glam in the daytime you can just swipe one or two coats on. If you want that dramatic look you just keep swiping- doesn't get clumpy at all. Love.


Everyone with Acne wants some wonder product to come out and make it all go away. My hopes were super high when I ordered Proactiv because a lot of girls at school were having great results with it. I was SOOOOOOO disappointed after a few months of trying this system with little imrovement in my skin.

I think i have a crazy stubborn case of Acne though (tried every drug/treatment/whatever under the sun to no avail), so although it didn't work well for me I'd give it a try anyways.

Works like a charm.

I panicked one day after noticing my under eye dryness was starting to more closely resemble actual wrinkles! So after breathing deeply into a paper bag for a while I headed over to Sephora to see what could be done.

The woman who helped me examined my face and declaired it was not too late to fix the problem- I just needed a good moisturizer for under my eyes. She suggested Caudaline because it's packed with grape extract which is supposed to work miracles.

The formula is suuuper light but did a great job moisturizing. I definitely noticed a difference and the little lines that seemed permanent have faded again. Just don't have a panic attack when you see the price- cuz miracles ain't cheap.

Perfect for your purse.

This scent is unique and might not be for everyone- which is exactly why I tossed it in my basket on my last Sephora haul. It's kind of an exotic scent and reminded me of a hotel I stayed at in Hawaii! It's super light and absorbs really quickly too. Now if only I could find it.....

Nothing's gonna really plump your lips.

It might burn like hell and make you wish you didn't put it on though. I over-exfoliated my lips one day and then made the mistake of putting this on aterward- ouchie. It's a nice consistency... not sticky or anything.. but it can't really deliver any serious results. For the price I think I'll just stick with my MAC lipglass instead.

Love my LAMB

It's so girly and light- I just love it. Sweetly floral and kind of peachy. Definitely makes me feel like a woman lol!

PS- don't leave fragrances in your car or store them in the sunlight- it changes and usually ruins the fragrance.. I learned that lesson with another bottle. Not going to make that mistake twice!

A staple in the rotation.

I picked up a bottle of this at Ross for a really good deal ($12 for the huge bottle). I was pleasantly surprised to discover it's a pretty nice conditioner. I use it in combination with other conditioners and it seems to enhance those products.

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