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Jul 25, 2014

Ciindrellaa S.

Hey gorgeous following you.

May 6, 2013

Korinna E.

I too have suffered from a young age. I was 10 when I started and by the time I was 11 I had no eyelashes! I stopped and the grew back by the time I was in 7th grade. The trichotollomania never again resurfaced until I was prego with my first child when I was 20. (I am now 24) it started with picking my split ends and then turned into pulling out my hair. I guess it would b better to talk to you over email? What is it?

May 6, 2013

Molly F.

If you want someone to talk to to help you through that knows exactly what your going through. It would help me a lot too! You can email me if you'd like.

May 6, 2013

Molly F.

I have struggled with Trichotillomania since I was like 14, I'm 22 now. I've been able to stop it for a while but right when I think I am doing great it happens again. It's always been tough and it is so depressing, I had really thick thick hair growing up and now my hair is real thin. Not a lot of people understand so its good to talk to someone that knows exactly what your going through! I feel the same about extensions they hide it well but it doesn't stop me from pulling either. While your watching tv try to do something with your hands, buy a fidget toy, anything you can play with to help you

May 6, 2013

Korinna E.

Thank you Molly f. It's so great to know there are other trichotollomania sufferers out there! It is VERY depressing :( how is it going for you? Has anything helped? I know extensions help me but I seem to find my way around them so... I dunno? Any advice?

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Korinna E.

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