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So cute! the profile picture screams vintage-inspired which I adore - if I could time travel, i would have plonked myself in the 70s', never to return :D
Geekery is awesome! I just discovered the answer to life, the universe and everything in it two years ago tehee 

May 27, 2012

Jacqueline R.

Hi, Amanda! Thanks for the follow! Nice to meet a fellow geek :D

I love the 40's - 70's; I'm really into the 60's mod look currently.

Soo cute! Hey to one PA girl from another!

Apr 4, 2012

Jacqueline R.

Hey, Lindsay! Thanks for the follow! Closer to Philly or Pittsburgh?

Apr 6, 2012

Lindsay C.

Philly is a little closer, but I am literally 10 minutes from the ny border ...upstate, not city! Tippytop center of the state!

Mar 8, 2012

Sarah F.

And thanks so much for following, lovely :) Have a good day! :D xox

Hi Jacqueline! I wanted to drop by and welcome you to Beautylish! I'm in love with your short hair. It suits you SO well! It's completely adorable :) 

Dec 13, 2011

Jacqueline R.

Thank you!

Thanks for following hun

Dec 8, 2011

Jacqueline R.

Sure will ;)

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Jacqueline R.

Location: Philadelphia, PA

  • 42  Products Tagged

About Me

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Fair
Undertone: Warm
Skin Type: Dry, Sensitive
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Normal, Coarse
Birthday: July 29
Age: 37


Facebook me or follow on Twitter @JCRineer


Jesus freak <3
I'm married to my BFF.
Yes, I am only 4'10". XD