Opinions on young girls wearing full face makeup?


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Mar 24, 2014

Bridgette D.

I go to school with plenty of natural beautiful girls who cover EVERYTHING with makeup, I mean to the extent where when the shake their face you can see dust. It makes me really sad but wanted to see if I'm the only one with an opinion like this.

Mar 24, 2014

Emily N.

I totally agree with you.

Mar 24, 2014

Bekah S.

I mean, do what makes you happy! That usually happens when they are first learning makeup.

Mar 24, 2014

Shiro M.

Same here. A little concealer and eye makeup is okay, but honestly no amount of makeup you wear in high school is going to matter when you're an adult.

Mar 24, 2014

Bridgette D.

Girls actually ask me why I don't wear anything but mascara lol

Mar 24, 2014

Kat A.

I don't think young, like 12 & under, should wear make up at all unless they're just playing with it. girls try to grow up too fast nowadays & I don't agree with it at all. they need to enjoy their childhood. I'd save full face makeup for high school.

Mar 24, 2014

Shaundi P.

As long as they feel beautiful and confident thats all the matters no one should judge them or tell them how much is "too much"

Mar 24, 2014

Shaundi P.

You may just think its too much because all you wear is mascara but to them it could be a normal amount of make up js.

Mar 24, 2014

Hannah K.

I firmly believe that it is that girl's face, to do with what she wants (with the consent of her parents), and no one on here has the right to judge or question it. It is their makeup, and their choice to wear it. While I understand that it's incredibly strange to see 12 year olds in foundation (and believe me, I understand, I'm 20 and I don't wear anything on my face at all), it is, again, their choice.

Mar 24, 2014

Nicole R.

It may be that the girls wearing full face makeup have skin or acne problems that they are trying their best to hide, I know that when I had acne problems I would try to just coat my face with cream and powder :( that may not be why but I always find its best not to judge but rather give constructive and kind advice if you are in the position to do so.

Mar 24, 2014

Shauna S.

I feel like nowadays there's so much pressure on girls to look perfect and cover up any small imperfections they may have. I love makeup but I like to express myself with it in an artistic form. I don't think young girls should be wearing that much makeup, some light bb cream, mascara, concealer, lipgloss is okay but it goes a bit too far when you can tell they're wearing a full face of makeup.

Mar 24, 2014

Ember F.

It saved me to be honest so while some say I shouldn't be ruining my skin or tell me I'm ugly with all my makeup up. They can only call my makeup ugly not me. It's that persons face and body no one else. Not their parents and not random people online. While I'm not saying a 10 year old should be wearing pasties and nothing else, girls shouldn't be told to dress to avoid being stared at same thing with makeup if it makes them feel happy let them do it.

Mar 24, 2014

Emily W.

I don't think it is appropriate for someone under 15 to wear a full face of makeup, especially if that includes lipstick or dark eye shadow. One of the effects of makeup is that it makes you look more mature, which is NOT what young girls need. It draws attention that girls are not equipped to deal with (even if they consider themselves mature, their cognitive development is not at that stage yet).

Save it for when you are older. Even if you are having skin issues, makeup is not going to help. Ficus on establishing skin care habits and building self confidence to be comfortable without makeup, flaws and all.

Mar 24, 2014

Jaime T.

It was a trend in my high school to have a cake face with certain makeup products. It was so cool to cake it on with cover girl's blue compact powder. I was also guilty of doing that. Lol Now, I see young girls like that, and I just shrug it off. I've been there so who am I to judge!

Mar 24, 2014

Veronica B.

They're going through the awkward stage makeup is usually not applied correctly during these times haha. I know when I was about 13 I had a hard time seeing my natural beauty and I tried to alter my appearance with makeup as oppose to enhance my features. Now I love my face.

Mar 24, 2014

Shelley W.

I can't judge those beauties who do because if their parents allow it then its on them. I'm a parent to a daughter who is 14. I allow mascara and lip gloss...she's cool with it. I feel that young girls are wearing a full face are only exercising their right to explore makeup and I see nothing wrong with that.

Mar 24, 2014

Gypsy S.

I'm with Shelley babes and many of these other lovely ladies😉 I could care less if you pretty much plastered a whole new face on, if your happy then rock on💋

Mar 24, 2014

Kenna W.

Masked me sad the standards we seem to put on girls earlier and earlier. I wish they would enjoy their gorgeous natural skin as long as possible. Sure makeup is fun, but when ya reach a certain age and feel like you can't go out without it then than be a burden. Enjoy that youthful skin and bright eyes! You have allllll the time in the world later on in life to play with makeup.

Mar 24, 2014

Kenna W.

Makes* stupid autocorrect

Mar 24, 2014

Roz X.

I agree with Emily. This, of course, is my own view and I have no desire to infringe upon someone's happiness. Just don't see the need to try and grow up so fast.