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Sep 18, 2020

Gareth F.

I don’t know much about these things because I have not done these things before because I am not interested in these things. But if you want some suggestion here you will get the best advice regarding hair.

Jul 22, 2015

Erin L.

Hey do you have a snapchat 😁

Mar 30, 2015

Kenna S.

Idk why! It just kinda And the weathers nice enough. Been around 7 degrees (which in America converts to around 45 degrees Fahrenheit) 😉

Mar 27, 2015

Leah T.

You are beautiful!! I am also on talk section all day long waiting for a new post to come up haha! Anyways I followed!

Mar 23, 2015

Latifah T.

Girl you are beautiful!! I read your profile and you are gorg inside and out lol and my second son was born 7/26/14 :) :) not the exact day but close!! lol anyways following

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Kat A.

Different is beautiful

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About Me

Hey, thanks for checking out my profile! My name is Lili, but you can call me Kat :)

A few things about me; -I'm just starting out in makeup, but I've already learned so much from all the beautiful girls on here -I'm on the talk section just about every second of every day lol. No shame in that. -I'm really friendly, just comment on my profile & we can be bffs! :) -I have a son named Nikolai. His name is Russian, since his daddy is from Russia. He was born 7/27/13 -I also have an amazing boyfriend who is my soul mate <3 -If you ever need anyone to talk to or just listen, let me know. I feel as if I was put on this earth to help as many people as I can see how beautiful & important they are. I'll give you my number or email, just ask! :) -Check out my fashion account @bi9citydreams I'd love some feedback!

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Tan
Skin Type: Combination
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: Normal
Birthday: June 15
Age: 29


Snapchat me! Lili_kat
Follow my fashion account on Instagram @bi9citydreams I'll love you forever ;)


Nobody cares about my life enough to ask me questions haha.