Emily C.

Location: Florida

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About Me

Hey! So I never know what to write in these bios so bear with me :P

• I'm from Florida and even tho I've been here all my life I never am able to tan, just burn. :P

• I'm 15 and going into my Sophomore year of high school starting August 19th.

• I started getting into makeup at around 12 or 13 so around 7th grade but all I wore was mascara, concealer, and eyeliner.

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Light
Undertone: Cool
Skin Type: Dry
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Normal
Birthday: July 18
Age: 25


Are you really a Sophomore? Yeaaa, Im just short. :P
How tall are you? 5"
What do you do in your spare time? Mostly color guard stuff but I also like to experiment with makeup.