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Apr 15, 2016

Jenny L.

LOVE your work. You seem like a very interesting person! :)

Apr 18, 2016

Aferdita N.

THANK YOU, dear <3 I live for adorable comments like yours <3.

Jul 8, 2015

Alyssa D.

Following, your eyes are so gorgeous, and I love your makeup style! <3.

Jul 23, 2015

Aferdita N.

Sorry for this super late response, been busy. Thank you SO much darling! I just love sweet comments like yours : ] <3 Btw followed you back.

Jun 11, 2015

Sammy C.

Oops! I meant Allan. Not Allen! Hehe.

Jun 11, 2015

Sammy C.

Thank you for the warm welcome! I am not young at all, thank you though! I will take it as a compliment! :) I'm 20 and married to my sweetheart, who is 26!! Sylvia Plath is so dark and grueling - I love it! "Lady Lazarus" gives me chills every time I read the last line!! Her collection of works titled "Ariel" is so good, but not for the faint of heart! I find her entire life story super intriguing and very relatable. I've written many papers about her in the past :) have you anything to recommend reading? My husband has a huge collection of Edgar Allen Poe, but I've never cracked it open to explore!

Jun 13, 2015

Aferdita N.

I'm going to remember those the next time I download ebooks. I'll make sure to look for Sylvia Plath's Lady Lazarus. And when it comes to Poe, it really depends on what you like. If you like the morbid/dark humour that is typical Poe, I'd say read "The Cask of Amontillado" or "The Tell-Tale heart" or if you're more into something personal and romantic, read "Eleonora" (which is actually semi-biographical). One thing most people don't know is that Poe didn't write just horror, he wrote sweet, beautiful and romantic stories and poems.

Lastly, I'm glad you joined beautylish, and I can't wait to see more of your photos!

Jun 13, 2015

Sammy C.

I hope you enjoy what you find on Sylvia Plath! I'll be sure to look in to more of Edgar Allan Poe's work, including the ones you suggested. My husband will be so proud! His huge book of Poe's work will finally get used! Thanks so much for your sweet comments! I look forward to seeing more of your pictures as well! You are so talented!!

Jun 11, 2015

Sammy C.

Thank you for the follow back! You are gorgeous! I loved your bio. I, too, am a literature junkie :) I love, love, love Sylvia Plath's work.

Jun 11, 2015

Aferdita N.

You read Sylvia Plath? But you look so young!! (please do recommend something by her) And no problem, I'm assuming you're new here so I'm just going to say welcome to Beautylish =)

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Aferdita N.

Location: Norway

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About Me

Yet her features were not of that regular mould which we have been falsely taught to worship in the classical labors of the heathen. “There is no exquisite beauty,” says Bacon, Lord Verulam, speaking truly of all the forms and genera of beauty, without some strangeness in the proportion.” - Edgar Allan Poe, Ligeia I am a 22 year old woman who loves music, cats, flowers, make up and books (forever a geek) I am fluent in Albanian, Norwegian, English and I speak some German. Music is definitely a big part of my life, my favourite genre is metal and its subgenres, but I love nearly all kinds of music. From the age of 12 to 15 I was a nerdy wannabe goth who listened to nothing but Cradle of Filth, Nightwish, Slipknot and many, many other bands. I definitely am an animal lover, always have been. I once had a pony bite off the skin on my thumb when I was a kid, but I&#39;m a fearless fucker and do not let past experiences hinder me. Speaking of ponies, one day I shall have my own pony, and I will take good care of Klip klop. In addition to this, my sister has 3 cats, THREE CATS!! That equals A LOT of cuddling and playing around with kitties. Two of them are female, and one is a male cat. The male cat, Spike, is my favourite kitty. He has heterochromia, and in his case he has one blue/green eye, and one fully green eye. His fur is a medium gray but has a darker gray colour in some areas. He also has a white stomach and white socks. I like cuddling him and telling him he&#39;s a good kitty. I love flowers because they&#39;re part of nature&#39;s beauty, and I especially love smelling flowers and picking them on a warm summer day. I absolutely love make up, and try to be creative whenever I have the time. I think you can do a lot with make up, as long as you know how to work with it. It can either make you look really nice, clean and fresh or it can make you look like a crackwhore. Either way, make up is fucking awesome. I love seeing people being really artistic with make up, which reminds us that it&#39;s not just for us to put on and feel pretty, it&#39;s beyond just that. I&#39;m not a professional at all, I just have a passion and general interest in make up. When it comes to money, I&#39;m quite cheap and do not feel I have to spend more than I have to. This is one of the reasons as to why I&#39;m a fan of coastal scents, I have yet to have found eyeshadows that are that pigmented and cheap in Oslo, the world&#39;s most expensive city.. I have about 5 - 6 products by coastal scents and am very pleased but eager to try products by other brands. I will be purchasing new products by Elf, Nyx, L.A. Colours and so on. And lastly, but most importantly, I LOVE BOOKS. I love reading a good book and just enjoying literature in general. Some of the authors I admire the most are: William Shakespeare, Edgar Allan Poe, Henrik Ibsen, Ernest Hemingway and Emily Brontë. I could go on, but choose to stop here. I admire Shakespeare for his beautiful, unique language and humour. I have read Hamlet nearly 5 times. I have also read &#34;The Tempest&#34;, &#34;Macbeth&#34; and a few of his sonnets. When it comes to Hemingway, I admire his use of the iceberg theory. ( for you who do not know what this is: <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a> ) By using this, Hemingway&#39;s short stories always forced me to think hard and long about what he was really trying to convey in a storyline. This could sometimes make it difficult for me to analyse his stories, but it would always be worth it in the end. I admire Henrik Ibsen, as he is one of the greatest Norwegian writers ever. He has written many beautiful plays, plays which have contradicted traditions and rules in his era. He was a very talented man that was quite ahead of his time. I love Emily Brontë simply because of her novel, &#34;Wuthering Heights&#34;, this is possibly one of the best books I&#39;ve ever read. It never fails to engage me in the story and affect me emotionally. I can, for example, not read the part where Heathcliff and Cathy speak for the last time before she dies, without crying my heart out :( I LOVE Edgar Allan Poe, a man I also believe was WAY ahead of his time. I admire him because of his sophisticated language, and beautifully constructed sentences. In many of his stories he will also have a dark humour that I love. Many of his stories are morbid, which is something I like. I have read several short stories by him and can recommend nearly all of them. My favourite short story so far will have to be &#34;The Cask of Amontillado&#34; (also spelled &#34;The Casque of Amontillado). Other short stories I will recommend: &#34;The Black Cat&#34; &#34;The tell tale heart&#34; &#34;Berenice&#34; &#34;Morella&#34; &#34;Hop-Frog&#34; &#34;Ligeia&#34; &#34;The Man of the Crowd&#34; &#34;Eleonora&#34; &#34;Metzengerstein&#34; &#34;William Wilson&#34;

Recommended poems: &#34;The Raven&#34; &#34;Annabel Lee&#34; &#34;A Dream Within a Dream&#34; &#34;Sonnet - To Science&#34; &#34;Al Araaf&#34; &#34;To the River -&#34; &#34;A Paean&#34;

My sister actually bought me a book with the collected works, short stories/poems of Edgar Allan Poe. If you live in Norway, Oslo, you will see me reading this at the bus stop, at the subway or while sitting on a bench in a park. PS:I have never used any filters for my pictures. I never will. I&#39;m all real. Most of the times the &#34;editing&#34; I do is cropping my pictures and using collages for them. If I have to do more than that I usually state it below my pictures, so anyone can redo the look without having crazy expectations as to how to do it.

Are you one of those people who upload pictures you find on the internet and present them as your own work and/or your own identity? I am your worst nightmare! When I suspect something&#39;s off, and I feel like having some fun, I&#39;ll do one simple reverse image search and find out the truth. BE YOURSELF. DO YOUR OWN PHOTOGRAPHY / MAKE UP!!!!

Eye Color: Gray
Complexion: Fair
Undertone: Cool
Skin Type: Oily, Sensitive
Hair Color: Blonde
Hair Texture: Dry, Coarse
Birthday: June 01
Age: 32


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