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Jul 25, 2014

Kendra H.

You need to go to a doctor since it seems like it's been a few days and it's till raw. I'd say slather it in some anti bacterial cream, cover it, and get to a doctor. I agree with Arielle that it does look possibly infected. And look, I'm not trying to scare you, but if it gets infected and you don't go to a doctor you could lose your foot or even leg. My dad let a smaller scrape then that go and it got infected and he got stubborn and he woke up one day and his entire leg was black up to the knee and he had a servers fever. He went to the hospital and they had said if he waited any longer he would have lost the leg. And, no he didn't realize it was turning black, he just woke up one night with a fever and it was like that. You really should go tell your mum and get it checked out. If you don't wanna tell her what really happened (which I doubt is actually that horrible all kids make mistakes) then tell her you fell. She'll be more concerned with you fixing that cut then you telling her exactly what happened in extreme detail. Please, see someone...

Jul 25, 2014

Ari M.

If its been 2 days and with how it looks in the pic, it's most likely infected unless you're diabetic (very slow healing)
But that means you really will end up infected
Keep washing it with soap and water, pat dry, then apply anti bacterial cream
Wrap it up for a while so the cream doesn't get smudged off then let it breathe for a whole
At this point, it's really not good to leave it uncovered if it hasn't scarred since you're getting things stuck in it
Cover at night, too, and just remember to wash and change the bandage often
But if it still hasn't scabbed over after a day then you really need to tell your mom

Jul 25, 2014

Lala L.

Try some neosporin and please tell a parent/guardian! you are hurting yourself a lot more by not telling her. If your in pain your mom will help you. Look I hope you feel better :)

Jul 25, 2014

Caitriona H.

If it was me I'd disinfect it, put lots of aloe vera on and wrap it up in a bandage. Put some aloe vera on it everyday and check for signs of infection.
Listen, whatever you did your moms going to be more mad if you don't tell her and that you were irresponsible by letting it get infected. Never ever risk your health because you're scared your mom will be mad, and I'm not just talking about this, I'm talking about if in the future you are drunk and in trouble too (ALWAYS ring them). Anyway, big sister rant over. Just look after yourself :)

Jul 25, 2014

Kitty J.

If it's infected you've got to tell your mom. You can do this! Be brave and it'll be okay. For the next day, let it air out as often as possible while having anti bacterial cream on it.

Oh geez did you fall? It needs to heal on it's own pace covering it up would not be smart. Apply a cold compress to it and then use neosporyn or polysporin. Avoid putting alcohol on it as it'll slow down healing and then make sure to wrap it with a bandage. If you don't want it showing just wear yoga pants or something loose

Jul 25, 2014

Bokkable B.

Disinfect it, let is scab then Use a huge band aid!! Then if it's healed and shows a lil scarring you could cover it with concealer.

Jul 24, 2014

Morgan G.

Let I air out so it'll get a scab on it..and at night just use a large bandage and creAm

Jul 24, 2014

Kat A.

I'd say try neosporin. If it's still not showing signs of improvement after a day or so, go to the doctor. you don't have to say what actually happened. it's better to go to the doctor so it doesn't get infected & then you'll have an even bigger problem.

Jul 24, 2014

Lauren C.

If possible go to a chemist tomoro and ask for antiseptic cream to help it heal and prevent infection

Jul 24, 2014

Qwaserght T.

Maybe leave it uncovered during the day so it can get some air, and cover it at night so no fluff gets on it
I would try aloe Vera and putting a cold clothe on it
And if it hasn't stabbed yet I'd see a doctor

Jul 24, 2014

Ursa M.

Was that a bad time for a frozen reference??

Jul 24, 2014

Ursa M.

I say neosporin or an ice pack. but don't conceal it. (this is not the time to conceal don't feel.)

Jul 24, 2014

Tiffany M.

Apply Aloe Vera straight from the plant I swear by it and it won't leave a scar afterwards.

Jul 24, 2014

Avneet R.

What happened

Jul 24, 2014

Aoife M.

I can't go to the doctor because then I'll have to tell my mom what happened.

Jul 24, 2014

Hannah K.

Put some Savlon on it, that'll make it clear up:)

Jul 24, 2014

Aoife M.

I've had it bandaged for two days and it's still really sore. I've been leaving it uncovered at night but it won't seem to scab an bits of hair and fluff are getting stuck in it which is really painful to remove.

Jul 24, 2014

Hannah K.

I would leave it uncovered until the skin starts to heal it or scab over. If you must, put a plaster or dressing sealed with surgical tape on it. You want the air to get to it.

Jul 24, 2014

Dorothea S.

Neosporin is also really good to help with scarring and to prevent infections.

Jul 24, 2014

Dorothea S.

What happened? Did you fall? You can get a cold compress, I'd suggest a cold rag or something to kind of help with the redness, make sure you clean it with hydrogen peroxide so that it doesn't get infected.

Jul 24, 2014

Aoife M.

This is on my leg it's still raw and it happened two days ago how can I heal this and how can I cover it up. I'm not looking for attention I just need some advice. Please nobody judge me.