Is my costume racist?


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Oct 31, 2014

Elisabeth M.

I think by racist they mean when people dress up has slutty versions of native woman or slutty Mexicans extra.. When in reality the respectful formal wear is no where near slutty and is very beautiful and elegant. I think they find it mocking. In your case you are not mocking the culture ou are honoring it so I think it's totally fine:)

Oct 31, 2014

Andrea V.

I'm completely Mexican and live in a border city where dia de Los muertos is celebrated a lot and I honestly don't think it's racist.

Oct 31, 2014

Kat A.

I agree with Lauren. people are just starting to be really sensitive. if you're not doing it to mock a culture or whatever then go for it. I don't even feel slightly offended when seeing the stereotypical Mexican with a poncho (I'm half Mexican). show the look when you're done!

Oct 31, 2014

Lisbeth L.

I agree with Emily. but I feel as though in your case it isnt racist at all bc you have an understanding of it.

Oct 31, 2014

Dereanna D.

I agree with what Emily said.

Oct 31, 2014

Ivanna O.

No its not racist. I'm tired of this actually being questioned. (Nothing against you for asking!) A stupid cosmo article on facebook actually said it was racist and a bunch of people were mad about it because its totally not.

Oct 31, 2014

Gisell G.

I'm Mexican & honestly that is not racist it's a beautiful piece of art. But I went to a Halloween store to buy my baby a costume & saw a costume of a guy in a pancha & a sombrero to me that was racist

Oct 31, 2014

Lauren G.

Costumes haven't become racist, people are becoming more politically correct. Do what you want.

Oct 31, 2014

Regan N.

*Dia De Los Muertos, autocorrect corrected Los to la

Oct 31, 2014

Regan N.

Thank you both ladies.
Emily; don't apologize for ranting! I really appreciate that you shared your point of view on the subject. I personally dress as a sugar skull on day of the dead (Nov 1st and 2nd is when it is primarily celebrated, though if I'm not mistaken it officially begins on October 31st) when I celebrate it with some of my Mexican friends by baking bread of the dead and visiting our lost loved ones in the cemetery. It's a holiday that means a lot to me, regardless of if it's necessarily part of my heritage or not. The only reason I'm using it as a costume tonight is because an event came up requiring a costume, and I already have the supplies for it. I'm hoping I can even educate people on Dia De La Muertos if anyone asks about my makeup. (: once again, thank you very much for sharing your opinion!

Oct 31, 2014

Emily W.

I should clarify that I don't mean that it is okay just because people can't tell you aren't Hispanic, I mean that because you have a deep knowledge and appreciation of the iconography and symbolism you shouldn't be given a hard time. If you were just an insensitive person who did it because it looks cool, then it would be a problem. But I think you'll be okay.

Oct 31, 2014

Emily W.

Not necessarily racist, but might be perceived as cultural appropriation. You seem to have knowledge and respect for that particular cultural icon, so it probably won't be a problem. Nobody can tell just by looking at you that you aren't Hispanic anyway.

This larger issue really drives me mad though. Taking religious, sacred or traditional cultural iconography and turning it into a costume is just inappropriate. I don't know how people think that it is okay?? Dressing as a stereotype of another ethnicity/race, dressing in traditional clothing of another culture... It is just disgusting and disrespectful.

Sorry, had a rant there. This topic really grinds my gears.

Oct 31, 2014

Lara R.

I'm Mexican and it's true that girls usually dress like "Catrinas" and sugar skulls for the Day of the Dead (november 2th) and attend to school like that :) if you understand the tradition and respect it, go ahead :)

Oct 31, 2014

Regan N.

Thank you so much ladies! Really appreciate it. Have a lovely Halloween if you celebrate it!

Oct 31, 2014

J L.

I don't think it's racist since you actually know about the tradition and are respecting it. (:

Oct 31, 2014

Kendra H.

I just asked my friend who's a 2nd generation Mexican in this country. She said by your post you seemed to understand the day of the dead symbols and the traditions. She sees your costume as a way to honor a heritage she and her family take pride in. She says go for it!

Oct 31, 2014

Ana N.

I don't think it's racist at all & I think sugar skulls are beautiful.

Oct 31, 2014

M G.

I don't think so.

Oct 31, 2014

Katherine L.

I don't find anyone dressed as an Asian racist at all. So no, unless you're extremely sensitive it's not racist.

Oct 31, 2014

Lynzie B.

It's not racist to me. I find that really weird if someone did find that racist.

Oct 31, 2014

Flores T.

In my opinion it's definitely not racist. I wonder what others think too. :)

Oct 31, 2014

Regan N.

No idea if this is in the right category, apologies if its not! Anywho, for Halloween and in honor of day of the dead, I want to dress as a sugar skull. Let me start off by saying that I adore the culture, and celebrate day of the dead in my own little way each year (I make bread of the dead and light candles in remembrance for my deceased loved ones). But I am not Hispanic whatsoever, and have no Mexican heritage. I just read an article on how Halloween costumes have become extremely racist, including dressing as a Native American, someone from another race (think blackface if you're dressing as an African American), and lastly, sugar skulls. And that kinda kills me, because I was really excited to dress up as it. Not to mock the culture, but to express my deep admiration for it and the intricacy of the sugar skull designs. But I obviously do not want to do it if it will be perceived as offensive or racist. So, I need your lovely opinions. Should I just do something else? Or do you think it's acceptable? Any help would be great, thank you.