Why do girls only like wearing a dress only once?


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Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

I've got 4 dresses and I've worn them all at least 3 times:) I don't really get it, but I reckon it's something along the lines of you haven't got enough money to buy a new dress for a new occasion or like Hannah said "repeating outfits is bad".
I buy clothes to wear them multiple times, not buy them and chuck them in the back of my wardrobe once I've worn them once.

Jan 19, 2014

Carissa R.

Hi Carmen! I'm not sure what type of dresses you are referring to but in my opinion the type of dress does make a difference depending on which occasion. Personally, I'm not a dress person, I prefer leggings and jeans over to a skirt or dress unless there is an occasion like a wedding or Christmas. As for me, I do repeat my outfits, I thought it would be a waste if I only wore my clothes once. Sometimes you can mix and match the same top, blouse or dress and it can look very different with various accessories or scarfs. It also depends on if you are going for a date, shopping with friends or having a night out.

However these tend to refer to casual dresses. If you are referring to prom dress, I think people do tend to wear them once? Or at least, I do that sometimes, just because the dress may be out of style or not fit the theme of the event. Depending on the event or occasion, you may be seeing the same people and obviously taking pictures. In terms of pictures, will you look back at the old photos and say why I always had to wear the same dress? For all my proms, weddings and so on? In terms of people, they may not say anything, but these dresses tend to be a statement piece and people can remember statement pieces as they stand out a lot more. There is no harm wearing the same dress if you are going out with a different set of people. Of course, if you can't buy a new dress, thats perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong wearing the same thing repeatedly.

Jan 19, 2014

Serena K.

I think more girls only would wear a special occasion dress once like prom dresses, wedding dresses, even celebrities because the dress is outdated, out of style, doesn't go with the theme or just doesn't fit the same if you haven't had the chance to wear it. But Most ladies will recycle there casual dresses by pairing it with different shoes, accessories, jackets.

Jan 19, 2014

Lauren M.

Omg. I'm totally like this, with all my clothes actually. I hate how I am about it too. If I buy something I don't like to wear the same thing twice in one month. And if I'm taking pictures in a dress I definitely don't wanna go out taking pictures in the same outfit the next week or same month. I'm a shopaholic. But I get everything in the clearance section at stores! I don't feel dirty wearing the same thing, I just don't like doing it. I love compliments on my outfits, and not wearing something for a while then wearing it again maybe 2 months later I get those compliments again! & feel great! I know that may seem weird. But I've always been this way.

Jan 19, 2014

Stephanie S.

I do that. usually for every occation or even I get a new dress. soi never really have to wear them more than once. only a couple like casual dresses (:

Jan 19, 2014

Kat A.

I never knew people did that lol. just sounds stupid to me unless it's a special occasion dress (prom, homecoming, etc). What's the point of buying something & only wearing it once (besides the special occasion dresses)?

Jan 19, 2014

Betsy N.

Hahaha wow then I am a total idiot. I wear dresses very often I think I have worn one like more then 20 times if not more. But I have worn a dress only once since I stopped liking it.

Jan 19, 2014

Shiro M.

I don't know why girls wear dresses only once, I think that it's extremely wasteful. Unless it's like prom or your wedding, and in that case you could sell the dress or donate it.

Jan 19, 2014

Delight s.

Love maxi dresses

Jan 19, 2014

Delight s.

Only wedding and prom dresses special event dresses.. and you can sell them online or give them away to the less fortunate.

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah J.

I'm a victim of getting a dress and only wearing it once but not because I can't wear it multiple times or I'm dirty. I only wear it once because I only wear dresses for special occasions and I'm not a dress-wearing type person. If another special occasion comes along and that dress fits the occasion, yes I will wear it again.

Jan 19, 2014

Hannah K.

I'm going with "repeating outfits is bad." But honestly who cares? If I'm going to buy something, I'm going to wear it more than once.

Jan 19, 2014

Nala H.

I don't wear dresses. Lol.

Jan 19, 2014

Carmen V.

Like why? is it bad?