Discoloured Nail Help


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Jan 9, 2012

Nicole M.

Also I have heard that denture cleaner works- just soak your nails in the solution. Also- go easy on the buffing because that can dry out and damage your nails. Definitely follow Dylan's advice and use a base coat. That makes ALL the difference. :) 

Thanks!! :D

Soaking them in real lemon juice helps to whiten them, in my experience. I would take a buffer block to them to take off any surface stains, then squeeze a lemon in a shallow bowl and soak them for a while.

In the future, to prevent you nails getting stained, make sure you use a good base coat (: Good luck! ♥♥


Sep 2, 2011

Kayla W.

There is something called called nail bleach and it helps to keep discoloration down. I think you should try that :D. But if the discoloration is from a fungus of something you should defiantly she a doctor
hope this helps,

My channel:http://www.youtube.com/user/kayluv1996?feature=mhee

Aug 31, 2011

Sara W.

Hey Everyone! Does anyone have any tips or tricks for solving discoloured nails. Some parts of my nail are dark and yellow while some parts are white like they are supposed to be and it looks awful!