Bacne D:


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Jun 16, 2011

Brenda B.

This is kind of embarrassing to talk about but I've had acne on my back for the longest time and it went away for a while when I vacationed in Texas, I got really tan and I guess it just dried up and peeled off and my back completely cleared. But for some reason it came back a few months ago and it looks so gross, I can't wear tank tops because I'm scared will see and everytime I do I have to let my hair down. It's really annoying because it gets really hot plus I have really really thin hair so it doesn't look nice anyways and it's easier for it to fall out. I think I want to cut it into a bob because of that but then I'd have nothing to cover my bacne. Should I just keep my long hair then? Is there a way to get rid of bacne??

Jamie D.

Jun 16, 2011

Jamie D.

I used to have bacne but I got rid of it, but I have to keep up with treating it daily.
First I use a scrub in the shower daily on my chest and back. I use St. Ives invigorating scrub. It's important that the scrub be quite harsh so that it really exfoliates. Ignore scrubs or washes that say they treat acne with salicylic acid because they won't be on your skin long enough to work since you rinse them off.
Follow your scrub by using a topical 2% salicylic acid treatment that contains no alcohol or witch hazel. The only effective one at the drugstore is Neutrogena oil free acne stress control 3-in-1 hydrating acne treatment. Use that all over the acne prone areas, even if there is no acne there at the time.
If you have to spot treat because of a particularly stubborn zit than you can use a benzoyl peroxide treatment on small areas. Be careful with this because it has potential to cause bleaching on clothes. I do it anyway when needed and I have not experienced bleaching on my clothes as long as I let it dry before dressing. The effective benzoyl peroxide treatments at the drugstore are clean & Clear persa gel 10 and zapzyt acne treatment gel.

I hope this helps!

Jun 16, 2011

Shauna M.

I agree with the poster about but make sure you do NOT use a harsh scrub like St. Ives on your face. The back should be fine since it is a tougher area and can handle that type of exfoliation! 

Jun 16, 2011

Brenda B.

Thank you so much! Do you use a loofah or a shower brush?

Do you know what causes bacne? I mean I shower every single day and put on a clean shirt, it just comes randomly...

Jun 17, 2011

Soma S.

I wouldn't suggest exfoliation just because scarring can be just as bad as bacne and using harsh exfoliants can be what's messing w/ your skin too. The bf uses my PanOxyl 10% Benzoyl Peroxide whenever he gets anything, and it works wonders. It's a foaming cleanser and the strongest non-perscription BP available in drugstores. I think it's like $12/bottle, and I found it from reading all of the reviews on makupalley and Just remember not to marinate in it [we all get tempted to leave it on longer thinking it'll work faster, but trust me, it won't] since it can strip your skin and cause you to produce more oils.

If you haven't done any research on it via yet, you definitely should! It's a great resource, and they sell their own line of skin care products, but they also suggest other alternatives if you are not interested in buying it. I'm a super fan of honest business genuinely interested in helping people, and that's why I think it's a great resource. Check it out, and hope it helps!

Jamie D.

Jun 17, 2011

Jamie D.

I agree, st ives is too harsh for the face but I've found that it works great for the body

I use a loofah, but for the scrub I just use my hands. Also for body wash try to stay away from bar soap because the ingredients that make bars solid can clog your pores. There are a lot of factors that can cause acne: oil production, hormones, genetics; whatever the case may be it certainly doesn't mean that you aren't clean. For me I find that acne increases on my face and back in the week leading to and week of my period, but I still would get it in the interim without treatment.

Jun 17, 2011

Brianna G.

I have the same exact problem! My problem with bacne actually started about two months ago. Then six weeks ago, I purchased the Murad Acne Body Wash & the Clean & Clear Persa-Gel 10. I use the body wash twice a day, and use it with a loofah about 3-4 times a week (you don't want to irritate your back with the loofah). Then I use the persa-gel twice a week on my back, and now, six weeks later, my bacne is pretty much gone and I don't have to worry about covering up my back!

I actually went to my dermatologist, and she told me what I was doing was perfect. Then she prescribed me an antibiotic to use for two whole months, but that can be dangerous! So I don't take the antibiotics, but I do the routine I just described constantly every day. After six weeks the bacne has improved significantly!! Also, I've been seeing an esthetician every two weeks for some back treatment, and she said about 3-4 times a week to get some sun on my back for just about 15 minutes, because the skin needs the vitamins from the sun to improve. So that is something else to keep in mind as well :)

Jun 17, 2011

Brenda B.

Can I just use any body scrub instead of one for acne, or would it be not as effective? And it's kind of hard trying to get all of my back with a loofah, would you guys recommend getting a shower brush? 

I would definitely make sure it has that medication in it. I have tried Neutrogena Body Clear Body wash or scrub. They smell good too and the scrub is very gentle. Also look out for Phisoderm Anti-Blemish Body Wash. And all the above advice was great so good luck!!! 

Jun 17, 2011

Brianna G.

Brenda- it would definitely be more effective to use a body scrub meant for acne. The Murad Acne Body Wash has salicylic acid in it, which is great for getting rid of acne. At my local Ulta they had a loofah on those long shower brush contraptions that makes it easy for me to use on my back :)

Jamie D.

Jun 17, 2011

Jamie D.

I am going to be the only one here who recommends that it does not matter what scrub you use as long as it scrubs well. I mentioned in my first post that the scrub would not be on your skin long enough to absorb the salicylic acid because you will just wash it off. I did recommend a leave on salicylic acid product in my first post that can be used daily that will actually be effective, unlike an ingredient in a wash-off product would.

Jamie D.

Jun 17, 2011

Jamie D.

Also, the murad body scrub has potential to cause acne because it also contains some distinctly problematic ingredients, including the too irritating cleansing agent sodium C14-16 olefin sulfonate and menthol. Irritation can cause acne because when the skin is irritated there are receptors in your pores that will produce more oil when irritated, it can cause breakdown of the skin barrier which can let in acne causing bacteria, it inhibits your skin's ability to heal and creaks down elasticity in the skin (aging). I would recommend staying away from scrubs that contain irritating ingredients.

Jun 19, 2011

Apryl J.

As a spot treatment for your back, I would suggest a salicylic acid based product. I use the Clinique spot treatment, and it is awesome. Don't risk using a BP spot treatment, you dont want orange or white bleach spots on your cute shirts! Also, BP can make your skin very dry and sensitive to the sun, which isn't very good if you might go outside or to the beach!

Jun 21, 2011

Katie D.

one of the products I use for my bacne is the murad clarifying spray and it has worked wonders... i still have the occasional breakout and such my back looks a lot clearer minus the scarring I have. Also I read from renee rouleau that when you wash your hair after you have rinsed your hair you should put it up and off your back and shoulders because the conditioner can clog your pores and cause your bacne. 

Jamie D.

Jun 23, 2011

Jamie D.

I used the murad clarifying spray as well and I finished the whole bottle, but it never helped the acne. I believe it has a high alcohol content and alcohol is an irritant so it actually causes acne. I would stay away from that.

Jun 23, 2011

Angela P.

I'm 29 and have been dealing with all forms of acne since I was 15. I feel your pain girl. Mine comes and goes. Right now I get little ones on the back of my arms and I pick at it all day. What helps me is birth control. :) Also, the sun really helps. I've been using Neutrogena Acne wash ( I forget the name). That seems to help. A prescription that I've gotten from the Derm that I had really good results with is Evoclin. It's a foam that's really easy to put on.
I know it's frustrating when you want to wear cute tanks, but are too embarassed. Good luck. I hope you find something that works. :)

Jun 23, 2011

Sarah R.

(: i feel you sister! Bacne sucks and i got it over summer last year...but what my sisters helped me realize is that its okay if people see your back because a lot of people have bacne..but i COMPLETELY understand if you're uncomfortable with that because i was self-conscious about it..but what i did to treat and clear it was i used Neutrogena Clear Body Wash in Pink Grapefruit..this product was seriously a miracle worker for me, but before using the body wash apply your conditioner and tie your hair in a hair tie(still with conditioner in) so you dont touch your back because when i get conditioner on my back i tend to break out...and when you are rinsing your hair out tilt you head towards the water so your hair doesnt touch back,shoulder,or neck(:. i hope i didnt repeat myself lol if i did i appologize...Oh! and also try using astringent face pads to dry out the pimples..haha well i believe thats it(: good luckk'!

Jun 24, 2011

Heather H.

I used to have bacne as well since I was a teen. I was so ashamed of it. Mine was so stubborn, I also had really oily skin, my dermatologist put me on a really low dose of isotretinoin long term and everything cleared up fairly quickly. Careful when using benzyl peroxide as it can bleach your clothing and bed sheets. I've ruined many shirts.