Flaky skIn


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Sep 6, 2012

Yesenia P.

Maybe try mixing jojoba oil with your moisturizer. I have combo / oily skin but when my skin gets really dry, I do this. Seems to help!!

Sep 6, 2012

Aferdita N.

I have the same problem, it's quite annoying.. Sometimes it helps to exfoliate to get rid of dead, dry skin that will flake up. Sometimes a nice moisturiser might help before applying concealer/foundation.

Sep 6, 2012

Jacqueline A.

I have this problem as well. Just use an exfoliate at least 3 times a week. It's best to use it before you apply your makeup because it gets rid of all the dead skin cells that your having problems with. I use the St. Ives exfoliates then remove the excess skin with a towel. And after try a moisturizer that is for dry skin. I use cetaphils moisturizer for dry skin. This should help. :-)

Sep 8, 2012

Kelly G.

You're skin is dried out. This might sound counter intuitive, but *stop* exfoliating, at least with physical exfoliants. I have very dry skin, and scrubs just dry it out worse. I use chemical exfoliants, like lactic acid and fruit enzyme peels (I like Philosphy microdelivery pure enzyme and Ole Henrikson Blueberry/blackberry). Scrubbing more is going to make your situation worse. Just try it for two weeks and see if your skin improves.
Another thing you might want to try is more moisturizer. The best advice I ever got for dry skin (from "skin type solution" by dr Leslie bauman) is there is no such thing as too much moisture for dry skin. Layer it on. At night I use a face oil and a moisturizer, in the day a moisturizer then another with SPF. Again, give it a shot. And no it won't make your skin break out. If you have dry skin, too little moisture will actually cause break outs more likely than too much.
So that's my 2 cents :-) 

Sep 6, 2012

Forrest G.

I have dry flaky patches along my nose, between my brows and on my chin. Is there any advice dealing with those. They make me hate putting on any makeup because it all cakes there.

Sep 7, 2012

Lindsey R.

Try using a lightweight eczema lotion at night!

Sep 7, 2012

Stephanie T.

Drink lot of water!! I know I'm addicted to drinking it but when I don't I notice major changes in my skin because of it being dehydrated.  

Sep 7, 2012

Stephanie T.

And another trick that works well, sleep with a humidifier going. 

Sep 8, 2012

Aley A.

Try a DIY scrub from products found in your kitchen. Some sugar, olive oil and a gentle cleanser my favorite is Cetaphil. I mix them all together and voila you have your own exfoliating scrub for glowy skin

I have flaky skin all year long and I swear by Unrefined African Shea Butter.

Sep 8, 2012

Courtney B.

If these flaky areas persist even after you exfoliate, moisturize, and hydrate, see your derm. Make sure it isn't eczema or something that you would need a doctor's help in clearing up.

I have flaky skin as well! I use Neutrogena's acne preventing moisturizer & it works wonders.

I'm new to YouTube so if you can check out my channel I'd greatly appreciate it! http://www.youtube.com/user/TheXisAlexis?feature=