I hope this isn't too personal.


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Oct 22, 2015

NiK I.

Thank you girls you didn't half to give me your opinion but I wanted it means the world to me that all of you amazing lady's took the time

Oct 19, 2015

Melody W.

You should never change the way you are based on someone's opinion on you!! you are a beautiful woman and you should be who you are and wear what you want even when people are particularly nasty

Oct 19, 2015

Marleen B.

Only my husband's opinion matters to me and even then, I pretty much do what I want. The only thng I've tweaked a little is wearing less foundation.

Oct 15, 2015

Roz X.

Niki, I've been there. It's sad to watch a friend lose their identity, but ultimately you have just know that you did your best to voice your concerns and did not remain silent. Hopefully she'll come around or he'll hit the bricks and she will rediscover herself. It is difficult to see loved ones manipulated and sadly, sometimes it means ultimately having to cut them loose if it starts having an impact on your own mental health and well being. My very best to you both.

Mai, I grew up a "tomboy" and didn't discover my softer side until much later than many women/girls, but even now, I'm not girlie in the way most are...and understand how it feels when you are comfortable in expressing your femininity in a way others don't appreciate, acknowledge, relate to or embrace. I counter your conundrum with what could be more womanly than standing by your convictions and being true to yourself? Tell them to save their salon cash and splurge on treating you to a pizza instead. Now that's love. ;)

Oct 15, 2015

Mai O.

*share my opinion.

Oct 15, 2015

Mai O.

As a matter of fact this thread really hits home with me because for a few months now, some people have tried to make me change the way I present myself (hair style mostly and also jewellery, clothes...) to make me look more like a woman...
I do believe that I already look like a woman but I guess everyone doesn't share my advice. to the point where they even tried tricking me into going to the salon or even tried manipulation and light coercition.
What puzzles me greatly though is how they could believe I would ever change my style because of what they think, say or do?

Oct 15, 2015

NiK I.

Yes I just saw that I had my hands full so I used the voice thing so sorry

Oct 14, 2015

Hannah K.

Omg, my spelling towards the end! *your *time *trying.

Oct 14, 2015

Hannah K.

I agree with everyone who's posted! I will ask opinions, but at the end of the day, it is ultimately myself who has to wear it. But I would never alter myself because someone doesn't like me or what I'm wearing. Wherever you go, there's always someone who will dislike you for any reason, or for no reason. No matter how you dress or do your makeup/hair/nails or what tattoos you have, someone will dislike you and be bitchy towards you (directly or indirectly) so you might as well dress how you like and do your hair and makeup and whatever however you like because if you spend all uour tine tring to please people and go by their views and opinions of you, you will never really be you.

Oct 14, 2015

NiK I.

I couldn't agree more with all you lady's if someone is just trying to be helpful and give you that isn't site I'm all for it especially when you ask for their advice but at the end of the day of my style my choice the reason I started this thread was because one of my best friends was told by her husband to stop wearing the makeup that she enjoyed and stop dressing the way she enjoys and she stopped it deeply saddened me as me and her were having a nice conversation I asked why she listened if that's something she enjoys and she said because she dresses and looks and put the effort and not for herself but for him and I just have never done that she asked me who I dress for who I do my makeup for hair for and I was honest myself and sadly she didn't believe me and that hurt my heart so much for her but I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one like this because as much as I love my husband I will ask him to change and he wouldn't ask me I'm sure she has her reasons sorry for the long story girls I just wanted to explain why I started the thread.

Oct 14, 2015

Lara C.

Rozberry couldn't have said it better. I totally agree. I will take suggestions to improve and ask for advice when I'm unsure about something. I also appreciate when people tell me things like oh you shouls try wearing skirts more they suit you. But I don't change my style when people don't agree or like my style.

Oct 14, 2015

Roz X.

I've taken advice on products, brands, or something I've inquired about such as technique, and yes, I've asked a friend or family member "How does this look for an outfit...which shoes go better, etc..? But I have never altered who I am because I have to feel comfortable in my skin and confidence comes from being true to myself. Others have inspired or influenced me with their style or given helpful tips, but again, that's not the same as changing for someone or to gain approval. If change is what you seek..it should be based on your own passions and influences and not on someone elses. I subscribe to a theory that while the approval of others is always delightful and welcome, it is not necessary. So change is great..but sought for self-improvement based on what *you* desire for yourself. Are you thinking of changing yourself drastically?

Oct 14, 2015

Taylor G.

If their opinion is helpful yes, like suggesting I blend my eyeshadow more, things like that. But if they just say something like I hate dark lipstick on you, then no lol.

Oct 14, 2015

NiK I.

Have you ever changed the way you do your makeup the way you dress or the way you do your nails based on someone else's option?

NiK I.

St Catherine's Ontario