Massive de-clutter of makeup.


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Dec 1, 2015

Hannah K.

I'm actually a part of a reddit talk forum called "Makeup Rehab" which is just a wealth of tips on destashing, and using and loving the things that you have.

Personally, I destash by going through one type of product at a time. For example, if I'm doing lip products then I'll sort by type (balm, gloss, liquid lipstick, regular lipsticks, lip liners) then I'll go through each type and sort those out by color. If I find dupes, I get rid of the one I like less. If I find a product that has gone bad, I'll get rid of it.

Powder products are harder for me because they don't really go bad, and because I love having a lot of variety with my eyeshadow. However, if I really don't like the formula of something (for example, I'm not a big fan of the YSL eyeshadow formulation, so I recently got rid of four palettes from them).

I'm at the point where I really only destash when I know that I for sure do not like something. However, I'm still working on only purchasing things that I really love.

Dec 1, 2015

Natalie D.

So I went up to my vanity table and I just realized how much makeup I have... So it's time to get rid of some. Does anyone have a method of how they de-clutter? Also what have you de-cluttered and why?

Dec 1, 2015

Deborah S.

I don't have much makeup at all but still once in a while I go and throw everything out that is old or I simply never wear because it doesn't work for me. old products have mainly been lipsticks and anything that goes around the eyes and products that don't work for me are usually foundation and nail polish. I usually do this whenever I move homes because I couldn't be bothered to carry anything around in vain. have fun de-cluttering, I find throwing out stuff can be a great feeling after all. :)

Dec 1, 2015

Elizabeth A.

I use silverware tray organizers to separate small brushes, eyeliner, lip liner, mascara, etc.

Dec 1, 2015

Ashley D.

I just go through and sort things into piles. What I haven't used and will never use, stuff I want to use more, my everyday makeup, and makeup that I hardly use but still want (colored liners, bold lipstick etc.) just in case I need it for a look.

Dec 2, 2015

Natalie D.

This is my lipstick collection which is what triggered the de-clutter. I sorted them into color types and I have a red and berry lip color problem.

Dec 2, 2015

Mary P.

Last time I decluttered, it just hit me and ended up getting rid of a grocery sack full of makeup and face products.

My best advice is do it when you are ready, it can be such an overwhelming task! And going section by section, tray by tray.

Dec 2, 2015

Shaye M.

I personally have only had one huge makeup throw out, I sorted through it all and separated everything into piles, foundations, powders, blush, lipsticks and lip liners, etc. I went through all the products in the pile and swatched them on my arm, If some were similar or I didn't like the texture/ formula of something it would go into a plastic bag (which I'd either throw out of give to my mum) the rest of the stuff I'd sort out into new and old and I tried to put them into seperate makeup baskets on my vanity so I could always see what was there in case I ever wanted to try something different.

Dec 2, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

I decluter by things I don't use have to much of didnt like or where impulse buys but didnt end up liking I go through each section and what I took out I thow away and what's still good I give away

Dec 3, 2015

Riley B.

A good trick is to ask yourself if you would purchase each item again if it suddenly disappeared.

Dec 4, 2015

Natalie D.

Thanks for everything everyone.