Hair Gets Extremely Tangly.


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Oct 15, 2015

Lauren M.

It's a 10, leave in conditioner. It's the bomb.

Oct 13, 2015

Alicia M.

I don't use any heat at all I let my hair air-dry I don't strighten or curl it I just got a trim in august, my hair is cut on layers I do brush in it sections as well

Oct 13, 2015

Alyx T.

Kattya - unfortunately, a trim will help you. If you don't cut off the split ends they grow up the shaft, splitting higher and causing more damage. So getting a cut (even though you're growing it) will help immensely. Just tell your stylist that you're growing it, so cut only the split ends.

Oct 13, 2015

Kattya M.

My hair is like that too And it breaks like crazy I've never had my hair in this state and I don't even flat iron it or anything. I used to cut it but it never grew like that, so I stopped cutting it but but now it is longer but it breaks so much that I don't know if it'll end up shorter :( Anyways, it probably is damage so if your hair grows fast I would suggest cutting it

Oct 12, 2015

Alyx T.

Definitely add a daily oil. The herbal essence morrocan miracle 7 in 1 serum is really good, its got 3 types of oil in it and smells absolutely heavenly. It's lightweight, I use like 5 pumps on my hair every day and it doesn't get greasy. it like 7$ Canadian

Oct 12, 2015

Laura D.

I had the same problem and cutting my hair in layers helped a lot :) using serum, oils, and brush it in section helps a lot too

Oct 12, 2015

Jessica D.

Keep up on trims and leave in conditioner/oil/serum. When your hair is nice and moisturized, it will slip against itself rather than get caught up and tangle. What I like to do is put a leave in conditioner in my hair anytime before I go outside, especially if the weather is cold or dry. Granted my hair is straight, but it can't hurt to give it a try :)

Oct 12, 2015

Alicia M.

I use a tangle teaser sometimes and a wide tooth comb and also a bug paddle brush in the shower my hairs tangle free when I put conditioner in and run my fingers thru and when it dries it's fine it's when I'm at work all day I don't brush it by the end of the day it's a tangled mess, my hair is pretty long about the middle of my back or maybe a little longer

Oct 12, 2015

Mai O.

Maybe you have a lot of split ends/ hair shaft damage. it could explain why your hair is prone to tangling.

Oct 12, 2015

NiK I.

Yes I agree with Stephanie also I have the same hair type and putting it in sections and brushing it though really helps I used to buy any kind of hair brush the cheaper the better but then I talked to my hairdresser and she told me how important it is to have different ones 1 for your wet hair 2 for your hair type and a 3 for the hair style your planning on

Oct 12, 2015

Stephanie G.

Have you ever used a Wet Brush? They're great!

Oct 12, 2015

Alicia M.

I use masks treatments conditioners everything to moisture my hair I use detangler sprays, when I finish washing my hair it's fine tangle free but when it dries if I don't brush my hair during the day a few times by the end of the day it's tangled mess, I have long wavy thick hair, what shoud I do?