Beauty Product Reviews


Very pleased with this product. The scent is just amazing, as always, bath and body works never fails with moisturizing. As good as the scent smells, I must warn, it is a strong one, and you only need very little.


Ive been using sinful colors for a while, Ive been impressed by some of them, but others... Not so much. I have tons of them, but one in particualar (snow me white) You can see the brush strokes plain as day. But other than that, i enjoy them and the colors and awesome.


Okay, so first off, if you arent famillier with elf products, most of them range from 1$-6$ In other words, the prices are really cheap. At the makeup section at target where I was looking, The elf section was right there, I decied to pick up this and a couple other things. I got home and it worked amazing and effective. I had recently had a zit/pimple at the time, I used it.. and in as little as about a week with slightly continuos use, it was gone. It was litteraly only 1$! I went back and got more, they work amazing and I still use them to this day! If you find zit zapper somewhere, BUY IT! you will not regret it.

I bought this product about a month ago, They were having a sale on that certain one(75% off just for cherry tart?!) So I decided, eh never hurts to try new things. I got it and went home and used it. I was not pleased about the feel, the color was kinda nice, a sheer red color with a little sparkle. (or how it looks in the tube) If you have sensitive lips I suggest other lipcare items.