Beauty Product Reviews


I'm so in love with this product I already have 4 and want more I have (rendezvous ,honey,sweetheart, romantic) and this product is so great people probably think I'm crazy buying different shades from the product but I love it, it actually does it job and stains my lips even after long days and eating the color is still there. it doesn't dry my lips it's very moist and easy to apply try it! I highly recommend them they are in any drugstore


This has always been my good to liner the pigment is perfect and the tip is spongy perfect to get the cat eye line on the first try.remember to shake

This really is the holy grail Like many of you reading this, I also tried the blush (orgasm) to see what the buzz was about and I was amazing how beautiful it looks with a shimmer of <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a> is pigmented and lasts all day

Eos lip balm doesn't live up to the hype, sure yes your lips feel/smell good (light pink one) but I find myself ALWAYS re applying ever minute I wouldn't buy another one

Pigment was not good, it looked gray and not what I was expecting. It is pricey And it looks like it has glitter in it And it's messy Enough said. I thought gel eyeliner would help oily lids but truth is there's no magic for that Invest your money somewhere else