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Nov 25, 2011

Michelle D.

Hey thanks for following me back!

Nov 26, 2011

Katie F.

just followed yours!! :)

Nov 30, 2011

Michelle D.

thanks!! :)

Nov 7, 2011

Jackee M.

Thanks for the follow!!

Nov 7, 2011

Katie F.

ofcorse!! thanks for following back!! <3

Thanks for the follow Hun. I really appreciate it : ) 

Nov 6, 2011

Katie F.

ofcorsee :)

Thanks for the follow! Your looks are awesome, you have a lot of talent. Keep it up!

Nov 4, 2011

Katie F.

youre welcome thank you for following me!! :) Aww thank you soo much!!! that means sooo much!! <3

Dec 9, 2010

Christina T.

Hi Katie! How are you enjoying your courses at Empire School of Beauty? :)

Dec 9, 2010

Katie F.

im actually loving it there!! everythings very hands on. i never thought id enjoy school that much lol

Dec 10, 2010

Christina T.

That's great to hear! Good luck to you Katie! Hopefully you'll be inspired to create beauty videos and share all your makeup knowledge ;) * hugs *

Dec 10, 2010

Katie F.

Thank you soooo much! That means alot!! I'm going to start making videos soon, I just have to get a better camera! But thanks again!! :)

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Katie F.

Location: Boston

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About Me

Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Fair
Skin Type: Combination, Oily, Sensitive
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Dry, Oily
Birthday: May 24
Age: 32


Twitter- KatVonDynamite
Blogs- (Make-up Pics and Tutorials)