Beauty Product Reviews

It feels nice and smells nice but I wasn't sure if it really made a difference. I like to think it did but maybe my pores aren't big enough to tell for sure.

Worked alright

I like to use this as a switch off from my usual face/body wash. (Like to switch it up on my body ... i think it help. Maybe it doesn't but I think it does.) It's odorless and really cleans but I didn't see too much of a difference n my face. i did see a difference on my back.

uhhhhhh ... no thanks

I thought this would be a nice change from the other mascaras I've tried. But I was wrong. My lashes come out piecey and clumpy. They certainly look longer; but full they are not.


I never wore perfume on a regular basis before Viva La Juicy. I'm finishing up my second bottle in an ongoing 3 year affair with this scent. And when I started wearing this in the office I got an extreme amount of positive comments about how wonderful I smelled. I've been stopped in Ikea, the grocery store and department stores by other women asking what perfume I was wearing. "Viva la Juicy" I respond, breathy and with a hedonistic wink. And then I walk off into the sunset, hips rockin' back and forth. Annnnd of course that last parts not true, but that's what it makes me feel like i should or could do. :)