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Guuuuuurl that pic of MGG you posted was HOT LOL.

Jan 23, 2014

Prima C.

Yeah, I've kept that one in my personal stash for years!

Jan 22, 2014

Julianne J.

LOVE your photos/reviews and videos! <333.

Jan 23, 2014

Prima C.

Ooo thank you so much!!

Jan 23, 2014

Julianne J.


Yay you're first follower and commenter

Jan 23, 2014

Prima C.

Haha YAY! Thank you!

Prima C.

Universal Beauty Starts Within

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About Me

Beauty Blogger at Prima Cosima | Vegetarian | Crafty Nerd | Lipstick Lover

Eye Color: Brown
Complexion: Deep
Undertone: Cool
Skin Type: Combination, Oily
Hair Color: Black
Hair Texture: Coarse
Age: 40