Brand Name Makeup Isn't Always...


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Apr 25, 2014

Gen S.

I love MAC

Apr 25, 2014

Xiomaruh L.

All items come from drug stores and even dollar tree. However I do buy a lot out of Mac. But it gets expensive

Apr 25, 2014

Sam R.

@ Lisa wow do you use them all?

Apr 25, 2014

Lisa A.

No drugstore lipstick, compares to Mac, they may look the same but Mac stays on wayyyy longer, I own every drugstore lipstick, 280 total ☺️

Apr 25, 2014

Caitlin M.

MAC is extremely overrated in my opinion. I have purchased one thing from them and one thing only simply because nothing of theirs ever impresses me enough to buy it. The last thing I considered buying was their stuff they collaborated with Rick Baker on. I talked myself out of it though because I figured it wouldn't be up to my standards even if they did collaborate with an award winning makeup artist. But I agree with Both Erin and Lilli. I gave up on a lot of drugstore stuff because it either didn't agree with my skin or I felt disappointed with the quality, even if it was priced lower. I don't want to waste even $5 on a product if I don't like the quality of it. That's $5 that could go to something of better quality later on lol. But with everything there's always hits and misses like Lilli pointed out. Even high end brands have mess ups and products that are duds. I don't consider MAC high end though. At least not in terms of quality. When someone says high end I think Dior, Chanel, Nars, Tom Ford, Armani, etc. Definitely not MAC lol.

Apr 25, 2014

M G.

I agree with Lili. its hit and miss :/

Apr 25, 2014

CPT- Lili R.

Just like everything every brand has its hits and misses but I loe high end reason being SOMETIMES a little goes a long way its an invest ment the better the quality the less you use, drug store brands get the job done there's no doubt about that but you get what you pay for in the end i do have some drugstore things and i really like them and i do have some high end i regreat getting cuz it was all bad, againe hit and misses 

Apr 24, 2014

Veronica M.

Lol I'm all for overrated, I love mac! I own so many lipsticks but its not considered as overrated because a lot of the popular lipsticks are for fair skinned so I usually go for the underrated ones. But I've been loving drugstore foundations and products recently. High end wise I'm just getting into ysl and back to Nars.

Apr 24, 2014

Ivonne B.

Oops^ phone messing up lol.

Apr 24, 2014

Ivonne B.

Lovely look!! ;) I used mostly drugstore products as well did thilook with only drugstore products.

Over the years drugstore products have just grown on me and I've realized that's it's how you work with a product not how much it costs.

Apr 24, 2014

Ivonne B.

Lovely look!! ;) I used mostly drugstore products as well did this look with only drugstore products.

Apr 24, 2014

Madison M.

Oh my gosh. I only use drugstore bc my mom buys it for me lol. but now that I have a job its still drug store! I'm a little cheap... the only high end thing I have are... Bedhead? and only because I got a bunch for free...

Agree with you the part: "Mac is so overrated".

Apr 24, 2014

Erin M.

High end doesn't always mean the best, but drug store is a hassle for me as a lot of drug store stuff doesn't agree with my skin. I tried I love ELF but every ELF product I've ever bought felt just as cheap as the price would make you think it does. But I do love NYX and Coastal Scents. Though I tend to love internet brands like Sugarpill and Melt Cosmetics over everything else.

MG. You hotty love that look x

Apr 24, 2014

Emily W.

I'm the same way! Every look I have on here is drugstore. :)

Apr 24, 2014

Sabrina K.

I absolutely agree! Elf and Rimmel is my go to make up :)

Apr 24, 2014

Alyx T.

I completely agree that high end brand name isn't always the best, but I can't use a lot of drugstore products as my skin reacts to a lot of the low cost ingredients (and some high end products use them too) and I get rashes. I do use a lot of coastal scents stuff though. They're cheap too. :)

Apr 24, 2014

Rocky B.

Brand Name Makeup isn't always the BEST QUALITY MAKEUP. so many girls I know only use brand names and refuse any other brands... MAC is so over rated.
everything I used is practically all Elf cosmetics. the ELf eye primer ($1) is my go to primer.. I absolutely love it..
foundation- Elf
crease color- elf
base color- elf jumbo stick
eyelids - elf 144 bright palette
lips- elf liquid lipstick
bronzer- elf
highlight- elf ( did use city color on top)
brow bone - urban decay

Jcats lashes

show me your low end makeup looks (: