Polishing Help & Tips


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Apr 23, 2014

Bry R.

Yes!! What Leslie said xD make sure you get everything out. I usually let my polish sit for about 30 minutes afterwards.

Apr 23, 2014

Leslie N.

Go to the bathroom before! I ALWAYS have to go pee and it ruins my nails everytime 😰

Apr 23, 2014

Jessica D.

You have pretty nails! I agree, it definitely does take practice. I started when I was 10 years old and JUST got my right hand down about 2 years ago (that makes 19, almost 20 lmao).

A few tips I find that help me: first, clean up your cuticles. Then, do 4 coats - 1 clear base coat, 2 coats polish of choice, and finish it with a top clear coat. Try to do it when you can sit and watch tv or something afterwards, so you can leave your hands be so you don't get impressions (after it dries and before it sets). I usually reserve an evening for it, the longer it sits undisturbed, the better.

Obviously, to each their own. But you asked for tips and advice, and this is mine. :) good luck!!

Apr 23, 2014

Jessica L.

Honestly, painting nails is a struggle lol 😂 I used to be sooo bad at it. One tip I can say is TAKE YOUR TIME!! lol don't try to rush. Make sure you do thin coats of polish also! Good luck 😘☺️

Apr 23, 2014

Karen S.

Try using a base coat before painting them, use 2-3 thin coats instead of 1-2 thick coats :) if you think they're oddly shaped, try filing them💅

Apr 23, 2014

Bry R.

It takes practice. I'm still not that great at painting my nails. There are YouTube videos on how to paint your nails. I'm not very good at explain. All I can tell you, and I know from experience, just practice :) also, you can take an angled brush and some acetone and clean up around the edges, that will help them look better. And don't forget to cap the free edge with polish.