Eyelash plucking habbits! HELP!


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Aug 25, 2014

Morgan C.

It could be a mild form of Trich which is what I have. I've been pulling like that since I was about 5 but it may just be a habit for you. You might want to look into seeing a doctor though.

Aug 24, 2014

Selia H.

I do that when I have o feel sometging in my eyes I think that but plukin out itll go away but I keep on goin till I imagine how ugly I'd look without them.. Just think of the consequnses...(sure its spelled different)...

Aug 23, 2014

Isabel M.

Completely agreed with Alexis. It's not just a bad habit.

Aug 23, 2014

Isabel M.

I had an issue as a 5th and 6th grader called Trichotilimania, (probably not spelled right) , and it involved me subconsciously picking out both my facial hair and actually hair. I was made fun of hardcore for having no eyebrows or eyelashes, and no I'm not being dramatic. It is best to see a professional. It is a medical problem. It's a serious problem and if you don't see a professional you may unintentionally pick them all out, like it did. Usually something such as stress triggers it. So either
A: see a therapist
B: see a doctor.

Please go to the doctors! It had a HUGE impact on my physical image as well as my self image and I really wouldn't want that to happen to someone else. Good luck! And , for the record, I'm here to talk if you need to!

Aug 23, 2014

Allie F.

I did the same thing when I was younger. And honestly just look in the mirror and have someone help you. Don't go to the doctors that doesn't help.

Aug 23, 2014

Abigail R.

Seek medical help... It seems like a horrible problem...why would you pluck your eyelashes😣😣😲😲?? Maybe pluck your eyebrows 😄😄

Aug 23, 2014

Lara C.

I agree with Alexis but then again it depends on how severe this is. I'd definitely start off by seeing a doctor and asking him how to stop.

Aug 23, 2014

Andrea V.

I agree with Alexis, and like katelyn I also had a friend like that. It might be anxiety or too much stress in your life but I think seeing a doctor would be best.

Aug 23, 2014

katie s.

I actually know a girl who goes to my school who plucked all her eyebrows and eyelashes out! This is something you should go see a doctor for!!
If you don't want to go to a doctor immediately you can try what Lindsay suggested and if that doesn't work than I would see a doctor!

Aug 23, 2014

Kaylee D.

I don't think this is a medical problem, I think it's just a habit like biting your nails, I would just make people aware of your problem so they can help remind you to not pluck them out, like Lindsay said, try and keep your hands occupied.

Aug 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

Actually you should do what Alexis C said

Aug 23, 2014

Lindsay H.

It's probably a habit or just what you do when your bored like chewing your nails and stuff

If you find your hands going near your eyes occupy them with something else and I can't remember what the timeline is for a habit to be broken but if you make yourself busy for the time length it takes to break a habit such as exercising doing crafts anything that occupies your hands for long amounts of time it should help you not pull of your eyelashes

Also if you like picking things , if you buy a cheap hairbrush with the nub things on the end of the bristle things you can pull those off and if you find yourself wanting to do something with your hands do that:)

Also eyelashes take a while to grow back so if you let them be in time they should grow back :)

Aug 23, 2014

Sarah A.

So I have very short eyelashes. I don't know why but my concern is that I pluck my eyelash almost everyday.
I don't think its an addiction my I think its kinda wierd so please help! how can I stop and how to grow my lashes