Would I suit black hair?


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Sep 27, 2014

Leslie N.

I should really stop looking at pictures of hair in general because everytime I see something I want to do but probably shouldn't...
I'm fascinated by all jet black hair I think it's really exotic but I'm not sure how it would look on me. I'm on the paler side.

This is me (you can also reference my profile)

Sep 27, 2014

Leslie N.

And this is the picture that made me think omg I need a change.

Sep 27, 2014

Anissa J.

I think that black hair would make you look severe but that's just my opinion , maybe a dark brown but black is just too straight

Sep 27, 2014

Francesca R.

Black hair would make you look really pale love, I think maybe a brown would look nice or brown and Carmel highlights xx

Sep 27, 2014

Ileene M.

I agree with the ladies^^ you'll look really white maybe a caramel brown?

Sep 27, 2014

Rissa G.

Try a blue black or something, not just flat black, it'll definitely wash you out

Sep 27, 2014

Rissa G.

Or even a dark chocolate brown would look nice

Sep 27, 2014

Lauren G.

I am pale and I dye my hair blue black, get compliments a lot. I don't think it washes me out and I don't mind being pale. Go for it if you want.

Sep 27, 2014

Lisa S.

I think a blue or purple black. Or a dark brown with maybe some auburn like this would looks great.

Sep 28, 2014

Shaye M.

I agree with Lauren :)

Sep 28, 2014

Rissa G.

I said flat black washes you out lol like straight up black with no dimension, nothing wrong with that I was just saying though. It has no dimension like blue black/ red black/ purple black does

Sep 28, 2014

Karina V.

As a hairstylist I do NOT recommend putting black in your hair unless you're not wanting to change it for a while. It's very hard to get out (its possible but hard) and if you did would damage when lightened. a dark mocha Brown would look really good on you though.

Sep 28, 2014

Roz X.

I'd color block it and rock it with the red.

Sep 28, 2014

Rissa G.

Yessssss ^

Sep 28, 2014

Rissa G.

Love rozberry's way of thinking!

Sep 28, 2014

Abby W.


Sep 28, 2014

Roz X.

;) @ Renay.

Sep 28, 2014

Ella M.

Yes you would look great!