I'm unsure about this product, have you ladies tried it?


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Oct 4, 2014

Massiell C.

As some of you may know (or not I dunno lol) I have verrrrry thick curly mid length hair. I have been using mousse for as long as I've lived lol, but my curls always come out crunchy. Unfortunately, my hair frizzes up w creams, so I'm a bit skeptical about this even if it has great reviews. Have any of you chicas tried this? Was it effective in enhancing curls? Thank you all in advance babies :* <3.

Oct 4, 2014

Massiell C.

Picture of my hair, for reference :p.

Oct 4, 2014

Massiell C.


Oct 4, 2014

Massiell C.

picture 2

Oct 4, 2014

Kat A.

Isabel & Kitty both use it & really like it :)

Oct 4, 2014

Massiell C.

Thanks kat!

Oct 4, 2014

Isabel M.

I LOVE THIS STUFF! I would love to say we have similar hair but your curl pattern is looser and just gorgeous! It hydrates my curls well, and it really defines my curls so nicely! I think it would define yours well too!

Oct 4, 2014

Andreina C.

I love it as well! But the only downside that I have is that when my hair has build up, it can be sticky that day, but I'm pretty sure it's only me. Anyways, I LOVE your hair!

Oct 4, 2014

Hannah K.

Your hair is BEAUTIFUL! Would kill to have hair like yours:) my friend has a curl pattern like yours and she loves that product, plus it makes her hair smell really good:)

Oct 4, 2014

Massiell C.

OMFG! THANK YOU LADIES SO MUCH! :) Ill have to get it then, and you all have beautiful hair tooo dolls <3.

Oct 6, 2014

Annie N.

I love that product. It's very moisturizing. But have you ever used gels Eco styler gel. It's a favorite amongst the curly girls.