Skin ๐Ÿ‘‚๐Ÿ‘ƒโœ‹ helpppp


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Sep 23, 2014

Brittany O.

A good thing to remember is that oil fights oil, by using both noxema and clean and clear you're removing your skins natural acid mantle (protective moisture layer) your skin is producing more oil to combat and probably quite dehydrated and itchy from the harsh cleansers! I would switch to a more gentle cleanser and make sure to moisturize!

Sep 22, 2014

Emily W.

Noxema AND Clean & Clear? I'm surprised you have skin left! Those are both incredibly harsh, I can't imagine using both in the same day.

Definitely switch to something like CeraVe and give your poor face a break!

Sep 22, 2014

Roz X.

I agree with Alexis. Natural oils protect skin and prevent drying. I'd use one gentle, hydrating cleanser and CeraVe AM & PM.

Sep 21, 2014

Becca S.

It's Blackhead Eliminating. And yes.

Sep 21, 2014

Becca S.

So my**

Sep 21, 2014

Becca S.

So no skin has been a little oily and itchy lately. Why and how can I fix this? I usually use Noxzema before I get in the shower to clean it and Clean & Clear when I'm in the shower.