What makes you feel pretty and confident?


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Sep 7, 2013

No one cares S.


Oct 3, 2011

Erica H.

Foundation and concealer help me feel even more confident because it covers up my acne. Okay, and am I the only one who feels more confident in sweats and a hoodie with hair in a bun than in a real outfit? Haha, its weird.

And like other people have said, confidence is something you have to take baby steps with. You can't just get confident overnight. I consider myself pretty confident, but I'm still working at it. :) You've just gotta quit caring about what people may think about you and learn to be happy with yourself because you're never going to be anybody else but YOU. :)

Just like Zoey I love to bust out the makeup, cute outfits, and have mini photoshoots. Another thing that makes me feel confident usually is wearing no makeup at all. I see my imperfections, but I ignore them and realize that everyone has flaws. I love being au natural at home, because it shows my true beauty beneath all the glamour. :) It may sound weird, but the more you go out without makeup the more comfortable and beautiful you feel. Its also great because you see that guys look at you even when you are not wearing makeup. One huge thing is to tell yourself you are beautiful everyday. Then you will not need anyone else to tell you and it will be easier to ignore criticism. And don't forget to smile! <3 Hope this helps :)

Check out my channel <3

Oct 3, 2011

Zo R.

If I'm feeling low about myself sometimes I'll break out the makeup and a really cute outfit and have my own little photoshoot, it's always so much fun and lightens my mood. I also try not to be so hard on myself about the things I see as my imperfections, half the time no one even notices and really everyone has that something they find wrong with themselves. Confidence is something you have to find within yourself and hold onto.

People may be judging you at every turn but it's really up to you to let their judgement in, and try to keep good company. I used to have a lot of girlfriends in my life that would tell me I was getting fat or I was too skinny, or that outfit is ugly or what did you do to your hair. They constantly found something to pick about and it was never constructive it was just dragging me down and I became harder on myself just to realize I was ok with me they just weren't so I found new friends.

Embrace who you are there's no one else in the world like you and that's beautiful. :)

Oct 2, 2011

Samantha G.

i'm a plus size girl so i'm always struggling with confidence issues. i've had a job in the mall for just over a year and i found that made a huge difference in how i feel about myself. i see a lot of people when i work, so i don't really have the time or thought to worry about what people might think. a club or team at school might do the same thing for you as well :)

it's a hard thing to remember sometimes, but people don't look at you and think about your flaws. if you're uncomfortable around people, get ready wearing clothes/make up/hair that you feel comfortable in. i know i feel extremely uncomfortable in shorts, a tank, no make up and my hair down/messy, but better when i wear a tee, jeans, natural make up and a high bun (a high bun makes me feel sassy haha). so dressing up/being comfy could be something that helps you be more confident in a social situation while you're trying to mentally become more confident.

i hope that helped, i feel like i rambled haha

What are your best tricks and tips to make yourself feel pretty and confident? I struggle with being content with myself, I always am striving to be so much better and feel so much prettier, any advice or tips?