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Sep 7, 2013

Kate S.

Hey there
Is everything ok?

Aug 27, 2013

Kimberly G.

Oh doll, you're so gorgeous! remember that! (: michelle is right! You're beautiful, just the way you are! xxx

Aug 25, 2013

Madame G.

Your so beautiful! there is not another person like you...your human...we all feel down sometimes.. but we have to pick ourselves up all the time...we have been taught to hate our self's. to hate our skin tone. to hate where we come from.. baby please for the sake of all of the black women men and children that died wanting what he have today.. sista please don't do it. you have to believe that you are a beautiful black Nubian Queen because I see it...we were kings and queens in Egypt..

No one cares S.

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