What's your favorite DIY beauty recipe?


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Nov 4, 2010

Christina T.

What's your favorite DIY beauty recipe Beauties? Mine is a lip scrub made of brown sugar + extra virgin olive oil!

We'll be featuring a post with the best picks of DIY beauty recipes from you Beautylish ladies so include an image if you have one! 

Nov 4, 2010

Christina T.

Here's my brown sugar + extra virgin olive oil scrub! 

Nov 5, 2010

Kristen K.

That's really neat! I've got an issue with dry and peeling lips, would your scrub help?

Nov 13, 2010

Katie W.

Ooo - I've got one! I use all-natural, plain yogurt on my face. Leave it on for about 15 minutes like a mask, then wash off. The plain yogurt is full of probiotics that leaves me with super-soft skin (it's rediculously moisturized & not oily) and my complexion is healthy (it helps clear up acne & is detoxifying). I heard about it from Bubz on YT. Spread the love! :)

I use Yakult to combat pimples :) I also use brown sugar and baby oil for facial and body scrub.

Katie thats an awesome DIY. I do that same recipe!! 

Nov 18, 2010

Lena N.

my eye primer :D be sure to check it out and tell me what ya think!

direct link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SC8cnRUJ9Kw