How to be a traveling makeup artist?


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Nov 2, 2013

Sophia G.

What are the steps I need to take to be able to go around the country/world doing makeup?

Nov 3, 2013

Bree H.

Depends what kind of makeup work you want to do,
if you're just a freelance makeup artist, mention that you will go around the country/world to do peoples makeup and write the prices, but the client would be paying for your ticket to get to where they are. it would take some time for you to get your name out there, and become popular in the makeup world for a client to want you that bad that they will be willing to pay up to thousands for a plane ticket.

I would suggest setting up a model mayhem account, set up your portfolio, and read the casting calls.. you can travel all over the world doing makeup.

or you could stay at different parts of the country/world for a few months at a time, look online for places who are hiring makeup artists, have a job in one state for 3 months then move somewhere else.
or even plan to stay in different parts of the country and world for how ever months you want, put on your website the dates you will be staying, and book clients in for weddings, photoshoots, formals and parties, ect for the times you are staying at each place.

I hope this all helped a little bit. :) good luck x

Nov 3, 2013

Candice S.

I need some help!! A friend of mines asked me to come to her job to host a small seminar on how to do eyebrows. I would like to know how much I should charge per person that wants them done? And is $15 too much money to pay to arch and fill in.

Nov 11, 2013

Becky E.

Basically just put yourself out there on the Internet try to get celebrities to notice you so you can travel with them. Go to makeup events or any events where there would be a lot of people and hand out your business cards

Sophia G.

Colorado Springs, CO