Doxycycline Pills For Acne.


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Jun 26, 2013

Rosh S.

Just looking into these acne antibiotics and wondering if they've worked for anyone?

Jun 26, 2013

Emma T.

My dermatologist prescribed me deoxcyline when I was in high school along with birth control and epiduo gel. The antibiotics worked the best but you can't stay on them long so I noticed that when I stopped I would get occasional acne.

Jun 26, 2013

Etienne S.

I remember using Dalacin C and adding it to my toner. I didnt use it for long though, but I have friends who used it and are satisfied with the results. :)

Jun 26, 2013

Roz X.

Yes. Works wonders...especially for ingrown hairs and/or cystic acne. Often the dose is lowered to minimal with progress or it's used as a temporary jump-off point. It's important to use SPF and drink lots of water while taking such meds. Additionally, if you go that route...incorporate yogurt into your diet. I would see a reputable derm that you trust and who could best decide if that path is right for you based on your overall health. You could also ask your derm if perhaps a birth control pill targeting acne would be a good option for you, in which case you'd follow up with your gyne. Good luck. 

Jun 26, 2013

Naomi P.

No didn't work for me and messed up my stomach.

Jun 26, 2013

Danny C.

Didn't work for me. if you take them make sure you eat before or they will make you feel sick.

Jun 26, 2013

Roz X.

Pharmacy instructions read one should take Doxy "On an empty hour before or 2-3 hours after a meal" . Additionally, it "should not be taken within 2 hours of any antacids, iron/vitamins or minerals".

Doxy can be hard on the stomach for some people. Drinking a full glass of water sometimes aids in avoiding stomach upset, but every person is different and so again, I would seek out a derm who knows your overall health and can best decide if this is a viable option for your acne. Be sure to follow your pharmacy instructions that accompany your medication, regardless of what they prescribe.

Jun 26, 2013

Sarah A.

I never had acne on my face, only my back which is why I was prescribed doxycycline. I took the pills for 6 months and they cleared up my back. However, when I stopped taking the pills my acne came back and this time it was on my face too! I think my skin got immune to it. I went back to the dermatologist and she told me to use Tretinoin (Retin A) to clear up my acne along with the doxycycline to not have an initial breakout. I still had an initial breakout, since I was immune to doxycycline, but my skin has cleared up now! I was doing some research on doxycycline and almost everyone has been very disappointed with the results when you quit. It's not good to take antibiotics for more than 3 months. I strongly recommend you don't take doxycycline, and if you do, take it alongside Tretinoin to avoid the initial breakout, then stop taking the pills and just use the cream instead. Good luck!

Jun 27, 2013

Nissy S.

I currently use it and have been using it for three months now. my face is finally back to the ole me...but it takes time for the pills to work. its not an overnighter magic pill. don't eat dairy products two hours before and will really upset your tummy.

Jun 27, 2013

Dina U.

Hi, I'm a cosmetologist! You need to talk to your derm about these things. These women are not doctors, they are not estheticians, and they don't know your skin. I understand wanting to find others who have been through the same situation but take everything they say with a grain of salt. What works for you might not work for anyone else so don't be deterred.

Jun 28, 2013

Roz X.

Dina, I do believe some of "these women" suggested the exact same thing you consult a derm and I didn't see anyone claiming they are doctors. What I do see is a member who wants to know if other people have tried it and what their personal experience with it was. She received replies addressing the issue at hand; seems legit.

Jun 28, 2013

Dina U.

I was talking about the women who were telling her to stop taking her perscribed medication. I see a lot of these kinds of questions and there are always a few who tell the asker to stop or attempt to scare them off from following their doctors advice. as I said, I understand her wanting to find others who are or were in her situation- but to take it with a grain of salt. I was not using 'these women' as a term to put all who answered down, I was trying to save face for the ones I felt were discouraging her to ignore her doctor.

Jun 29, 2013

Roz X.

Perfectly understandable and on point. Well said. Thank you so much for clarifying, Dina. :)