Forehead "tightness": Product Recommendations.


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Mar 3, 2017

Jackie S.

I have not combined oil with foundation! I'll have to try that. I'll look at the Paula's choice. I'm wanting to use up my CeraVe night cream before purchasing more, but will keep dr jart on back burner!

Mar 3, 2017

Roz X.

Grape seed is a great choice! Have you tried adding a tiny drop of your oil to your foundation and blending it on your hand before applying? When I'm running dry, that and the gentle washcloth always does the trick. I also don't use any brushes during that time because it stirs up flakes and instead my damp beauty blender and a gel, water-based foundation (with the drop of oil).

I think you'd really enjoy some of the items recommended on the page and they certainly would provide relief. Glad to hear you are doing better.

Mar 3, 2017

Jackie S.

Thank you so much ladies! My skin definitely mucccchhh better, but as I said, I feel like it's a bit wrecked. My cheeks have more discoloration to them it seems; besides the whole forehead thing my skin feels now slightly dry with very few dry patches. I've been using grapeseed oil morning and night and yesterday after the oil and my SPF lotion, once it all had something in, I attempted to put on foundation and it looked horrible and I had to take it off. I might look into that tinted moisturizer. But I want to be able to use my foundations lol.

Mar 3, 2017

Roz X.

Amen, Jenni!

Dr. Jart's Ceramidin Cream is on my nightstand, always. It is quick acting and soothing offering tremendous skin benefits while hydrating...helping to restore skin's precious moisture barrier. The only drawback is that the cream does have a very distinct, light medicinal odor to it, but that fades (for me) very quickly after application. Jenni is correct in that just a little is all that's needed to see and feel results. They also make a day version of the cream that has a slight tint to it.

After 20 minutes of the Dr. Jart, I'd use occlusion (I am very fond of this for any skincare on the body/complexion included) and seal in that moisture and benefit with a non-irritating facial oil, such as jojoba. Cold-pressed Jojoba is quick absorbing and when you wake up, skin feels and looks refreshed. (It's also not expensive.)
I've been using Nature's Truth. It's cruelty-free, organic, non-gmo, and cold-pressed. I phoned them and an actual human being answered the phone. The customer service is outstanding. I got mine at Target online.

A nubby, pure cotton washcloth is a very effective, gentle way to exfoliate any shedding skin. I'd keep water on the cool side. I'd also bring in Paula's Choice Skin Recovery Toner, which will soothe, calm, hydrate, and is completely free of all irritation. has it priced cheaper than Paula's site currently and if you buy two, you save even more and get a free gift. Her Skin Recovery Replenishing Moisturizer is phenom.

Best of luck and hope your skin is feeling much better very soon.

Mar 2, 2017

Leuca S.

That's likely a layer of skin that needs to be shed. You can help that along with a gentle chemical exfoliant. Paula's Choice, alpha skincare, and the Ordinary have some gentle chemical exfoliants that may speed up the process for you.

Mar 1, 2017

Jenni L.

My skin became dehydrated from experiencing my first winter and Dr Jart Ceramidin cream saved my skin. I saw results quickly. They also have a lotion (serum) that I use with this product. I wouldn't say you need both but they are really nice together. I believe Sephora has a "Rescue Me" set that has generous trial sizes of both. A little goes a long way with the cream.

Mar 1, 2017

Jackie S.

Ok, so some of you know that I was on Retin-A for 3 weeks. I had to stop because it did a number on my skin. My face is finally looking more normal, but my forehead is still off. It looks tight and plastic-y, if that makes sense. I'm going to be buying a Vitamin C serum bc my skin has some sun spots and discoloration from the Retin-A. What other products can I use, specifically for my forehead.

Currently in the AM I'm using CeraVe AM lotion w/SPF
PM: CeraVe moisturizing lotion (in tub).

Both AM/PM: wash with Glytone wash, and apply Grape seed oil before lotions.
