Exfoliator for sensitive skin.


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Jan 19, 2017

Kelly O.

I also have dry and sensitive skin and I use "cure natural aqua gel". it has no grainy substances. you rub it on your dry face and it reacts to your dead skin, which just balls up. Then you just rinse. I swear by this stuff. It is from japan and I have only found it on Amazon, but it does have prime shipping options. good luck!

Jan 18, 2017

Kylie F.

Anna D that sounds amazing! I'm unfortunately incredibly dry and sensitive.

Jan 16, 2017

Anna D.

I love the FreeDerm daily exfoliator which is targeted for oily skin and spots. I will post a picture if you ask. Hope this helps:) ♡

Jan 16, 2017

Kate L.

I've never tried it with white sugar before, but I imagine that the molasses itself in the brown sugar makes it less harsh cause it's not just straight up granules rubbing on your face, plus the honey helps soften it up a bit too. You definitely can't be heavy handed with it otherwise it will scrub too roughly, I massage in circles as gently as possible and it works great, never leaves my skin irritated if I'm gentle with it

Jan 16, 2017

Jessica D.

Kate, I'm going to try that! Thank you! 😀

Question: I've been making lip scrubs with regular white sugar, and I tried it on a patch on my face once and it felt really rough. Is it true that brown sugar feels softer? Or does the honey make it feel that way?

Jan 15, 2017

Kate L.

I have pretty sensitive skin as well, and my favorite way to exfoliate is just a simple brown sugar and honey scrub, I just toss a few tablespoons of brown sugar and prob a tablespoon of honey in a Dixie cup and take it in the shower with me. Since it's just sugar and honey it just rinses right off your skin with no residue and you get the soothing and moisturizing benefits of the honey (use raw honey for maximum benefits)! I do a full body scrub with it too from time to time.

Jan 15, 2017

Leuca S.

Unfortunately these are not really done well most of the time; the only ones you'll find at ulta/sephora are quite expensive

Jan 15, 2017

Leuca S.

The best exfoliator for extra sensitive skin is a low strength chemical exfoliant

Jan 15, 2017

Kylie F.

Hey! What's your favorite face exfoliator for 1-2 times a week? I have very sensitive skin with large pores on my nose/chin. I have been using MyChelle sugar cleanser but am always looking for fun new products to try! I would prefer them to be sold at Ulta or Sephora. Whatcha got?!