Jeffree Star highlighters


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Aug 23, 2016

Hannah S.

I love Jeffree's brand but I bought ice cold and took it on holiday with me, the heat caused it to crack and then it slipped onto the tile flooring and completely smashed. It took me by surprise because he does drop tests. I still support the brand and his highlighters but if you live outside the US shipping can be awful, I also had to pay £20 tax so that's a real shame.

Aug 21, 2016

Leuca S.

Formula is a bit soft for my liking to the point that it can feel crumbly, but there's no denying that the color is pretty. If you're intending to use it as an actual "highlighter" there's also the question of whether it will deepen your natural skin tone or not; it's not the lightest gold/bronze shade out there.

Aug 19, 2016

Hannah K.

As BL relies on when JS can get them back in stock, your best bet is his and BL instagram page.

Aug 19, 2016

Amber M.

When will King Tut be back in stock?.. And is it worth my money.