Iso Drugstore anti wrinkle cream.


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Sep 1, 2016

Kim M.

I'm 31 and a smoker. I have forehead lines starting. They are getting deeper. what is a good drugstore anti aging cream I can start?

Sep 1, 2016

Lisa W.

I believe I remember rozberry saying that roc is a great drugstore brand

Sep 1, 2016

Kim M.

Thank you Lisa W.

Sep 1, 2016

Roz X.

I like to base the bulk of my skincare advice on personal experience paired with extensive ingredient research, including trials... evolving and improving through passionate, active skin study as well as professional care and advice. Skincare is something that is always growing as an industry, and with it brings changes in formulations and often, many improvements. I also like to balance my more affordable skincare with clinical grade formulations...some of which can be purchased for just a tad bit more than drugstore items. I know smoking brings with it a host of issues; I do sincerely respect your choice, but hope you do reconsider in the future.

I also wouldn't limit myself to just a cream and so knowing more about what you are using would be really helpful here, Kim.

Thank you kindly for thinking of me, Lisa; I would skip Roc and bring my A game.

Kim, do you see an Estie or address any anti-aging through your diet/sun protection?
What budget are you working with for skincare as a whole? Knowing specifics of your current routine/products is incredibly helpful when providing feedback.

Sep 1, 2016

Kim M.

I'm very broke at the moment. was homless fora month, just got into a place. so under 20. I have never been to an esthetician. I already use an eye cream. I use organic argan oil 2 a day after washing. I use a spf lotion before applying my makeup. I'm not outside that much.

Sep 1, 2016

Leuca S.

With respect to your personal life choices, quitting smoking would be one of the absolute best ways to address your skin issues, especially if money is a factor. It may not seem ideal, especially if smoking is a source of stress relief for you , but when your skin is treated well it has a remarkable ability to bounce back. The main issue is that any products you try to add to your routine will be fighting against the cumulative damage cigarettes are inflicting upon your body and skin. You will not see ideal results from any anti aging product unless you quit; extensive research over the last few decades suggests that smoking is a close runner up to sun damage in terms of aging skin.

Sep 1, 2016

Kim M.

@Leuca S Thank you for responding. I do know that smoking is bad for your skin, promotes wrinkling, loss of elasticity, makes pores larger. sadly addicted. Do you have any suggestions for a good anti aging cream?

Sep 1, 2016

Roz X.

I'm so very sorry to hear of your struggles, hun. Congratulations on your new place. I think you could work your way up to a routine that hits all the bases of you take things in stages.

Most Retinol at the drugstore I don't care for. Since you want to begin Retinol, my suggestion would be to start with Salma Hayek's line of Retinol caplets. Protected from air and pre-dosed, this will help get an affordable dose of Retinol in your routine. I believe they are 25% off. If you sign up for a CVS savings card (free) and register it to an email, you can save big money while also earning extra bucks. Store it out of sunlight and a place where it is a bit cooler.

If you don't have sensitive skin, I'd start every 3rd night for the first week and see how skin responds. You can bump up or pull back usage accordingly. After 30 minutes, purely by preference, I'd apply a hyaluronic acid based moisturizer with ceramides and niancinamide, such as CeraVe PM. There's a $2 coupon on CeraVe's website. This is light and should help counter Retinol dryness. This will also help skin calm and repair itself while bringing in antioxidants. If you run very dry, get the CeraVe in a jar, which is thicker and more emollient, but with a pump. You want the pump to protect precious ingredient integrity.

Stage 2, I'd bring in an affordable, fantastic C serum like Timeless for $25. There's coupon codes online for $5 off. It's a near dupe for Paula's C formula, which I love, only I switched to Timeless as this is affordable without sacrificing quality. (I'd store that in the fridge and use twice daily, if you are not sensitive.) This will boost your sun protection.

Alpha Botanicals has a great emollient SPF option. If you are oily, that's not a good option, however Aveeno Naturals or CeraVe AM may better suit your needs and budget...especially since you limit sun exposure.

I'd also recommend Paula's Choice Resist Toner...applied with clean fingertips.

Stage 3: Bring in a weekly BHA treatment, like Paula's Choice.

Stage 4: Alpha skincare (formerly Alpha Hydrox) has a fantastic serum. This will keep you stimulating skin cell turnover and boost collagen, addressing various needs on differing skin layers. I never personally layer C with AHA or BHA as I'm very sensitive. I also do not layer Retinol with them, but you can with C if your skin isn't sensitive. As always, test patch and save receipts.

Stage 5: Get a great peel product. Olay Pro-X Nightly Micropeel is an effective triple acid peel. You can often find coupons. (It runs about $45) This isn't a nightly product in my view as I use it as part of a broader regimen, but it provides results.

Stage 6: Hopefully you will be well on your way and when you get there...and you WILL get through this and overcome things..feel free to hit up my profile and I'll do my best to help you take it to a higher, clinical level.

I find weighing options to be very helpful. I know your budget is limited, but when you get a little bank to treat yourself, consider if what you are about to buy is around the same cost as a Pro peel, for example. Often there are seasonal and promotional specials at local, reputable spas (Yelp is great for finding spas) . I'd advise to always invest in your skin over make-up, even if it means no buys for a bit. If you can, try cutting down on the smokes..even if it's by only 2 a day for a few weeks. This path may help ween you off of them.

You can also bring in facial oils, organic, cold pressed. Walmart has NOW and even Aldi has some options. Jojoba, Avocado, Sweet Almond, Evening Primrose, and Passion Fruit (Maracuja); these are very low risk of causing acne for many people. Again, test patch. Everyone's skin is different. Tarte's Maracuja just has a bit of e in it to sustain shelf life. It is insanely overpriced. You can get it elsewhere for so little money.

Everything shared here can be used safely on the entire face and eye area...but no retinol, AHA, BHA or peels on lids. I put oil on my lips and lids to protect any product from accidentally getting on them. You can gently and carefully use fingertips, or feather in around the eye, avoiding lids and ducts, with a Q-tip. The oils and moisturizers are safe for lids.

I don't know if you have access to Aldi, but red berries, dark grapes, blueberries...this bring in anti-oxidants. Nuts, green leafy veggies, seeds, these all help hydrate and build the body. They also have great roid-free chicken thighs. ;) Hey, that's got B vitamins and Zinc! Whole grains..water...all the good stuff our bodies love. Aldi has come a very long way.

Watch Trans fats and processed foods. Green tea with leaves harvested in Japan..fantastic. Just work your way up and buy what you can afford. Keep a journal of your skin and diet, including beverages.
Exfoliate with a wet, all cotton nubby washcloth and pat skin gently dry, then do your routine

I think it's important to note that If I had to choose a single product to start with, I'd go right for the Micropeel by Olay. I know you are opting for Retinol first and I respect that..but that's a long term solution. If you want to see change, kick back those smokes and pick up the Olay and CeraVe. That's going to give you promise. It's two fold in that, if used correctly, should produce softer, smoother skin that's brighter and your make-up will wear even better with results showing faster than if you began with Retinol. Those lines should soften...then I'd bring in the other stages.
The peel also benefits you long term. Working in stages allows skin to acclimate itself..then calm itself and rehydrate. You need to always protect and replenish skin's barrier. You could then move onto the Retinol and the stages listed. It's up to you. Stages should let you improve your skin and see results without getting frustrated, quitting or putting too big a demand on the pocketbook.

I wish you all the best.  

Sep 1, 2016

Kim M.

Thank you so much @Rozberry J. very informative and budget friendly. Thank you so much.

Sep 1, 2016

Roz X.

My pleasure, Kim.

Here's a link to the Olay specific product I personally would start with and the CeraVe coupon page. Some stores let me use my phone for coupons and Ulta may also have these items on sale, so check for discounts, sales, points, etc. there as well when you get the chance.
Prayers. This too shall pass.

(You can check Olay's page for coupons under sales and promotions.)

Sep 2, 2016

Aurora S.

I've used a few brands of creams that had retinol before switching to the prescription strength. I even used a few of the Roc brand creams but I think my favorite is the brand "Retinol" which I got at Sally's Beauty Supply but it's also sold at Ulta but I believe they charge a few more dollars at Ulta.
I LOVED their retinol serum. I believe it has the most retinol in the line (500,000 I.You.'s)
I think it's one of the only brands that caused me to have micro peeling (a side effect of using retinol although it's not a necessarily a sign that it's working better if you're not peeling),default,pd.html#q=Retinol&start=3

I've used a sample of their eye cream but didn't feel like it worked. Probably because it was attached to the box and the mini jar is clear so the product (retinol) probably got effected by the sunlight.

They also have a night cream that I assume would work well in conjunction although I haven't tried it.
If you do, it's probably best to probably transfer it into a dark bottle so that its not as exposed to air everytime you open the jar.,default,pd.html

I'd suggest using these only at night. They do have a day cream that contains the retinol and sunscreen but from what I've read it's not good to use retinol in the day time although, I think this brand uses retinyl palmitate and I'm not sure of the studies on that ingredient and its effect being used during the day but just to be safe if steer clear of it

Sep 2, 2016

Leuca S.

@Kim, I can't really add anything significant to Rozberry's post; she beat me to the punch and has given you a lot of comprehensive information.

Best of luck to you!

Sep 3, 2016

Angela J.

I use the Roc multi correxion eye cream and it's really helped with my fine lines but Rozberry definitely knows more than I do on this subject. That's just the one that's been working for me :)

Sep 3, 2016

Roz X. I don't want to discount whatever else someone finds effective. Nothing beats personal experience and dramatic results that show changes for the better. This varies for us all.

I just try to offer maximum options from a broad, long term approach. I realize not everyone chooses the same pampering level as well, whether it be in time or cost. Its the same with hair care, nails, fitness. We all differ in our routines and what works for us...or how much we devote to each..or don't. I respect and enjoy hearing what others enjoy or find effective.

I know that my advice, on certain matters, often includes steps some might seem excessive or unnecessary, but that I personally enjoy and have seen wonderful results investing in.

Thanks to all here who shared their views and advice. It has been nice to see what you all are using and enjoy :)

Sep 4, 2016

Sandra D.

Nothing will work for you much until you quit smoking

Sep 5, 2016

Kim M.

I was asking about skincare. like I said beforr, I know smoking is bad for you on so many levels. but that wasn't my question or concern. Thank you to everyone that had suggestions. much appreciated.