Can We Crush This Hair Washing Myth?!


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Sep 5, 2016

Dana E.

I've been told so many different things...
Washing your hair every day/every other day is bad for it because apparently it washes away your natural oils.
But then I've been told washing it only 2/3x a week isn't enough and is damaging to the scalp and that it's safe to wash it everyday.

So which is it?! Is it bad to wash your hair everyday/every other day or not?!?!

Sep 5, 2016

Grace N.

It depends on how thick your hair is and your hair texture. People with curly hair and/or thick hair should wash it once a week. People with wavy and/or normal hair should wash it every three days. Somebody with straight and/or thin hair should wash it every two days and can get away with once a day.

Sep 5, 2016

Kim M.

There's no hard and fast rule. wash it when you want to, I wash mine daily. my twin sister washes her 2 a week. I think the important thing is using a shampoo & conditioner for your hair type & that's sulfate free.

Sep 5, 2016

Dana E.

I have fine and wavy hair. I use the ogx coconut milk shampoo and conditioner. I haven't really found a product that made me notice a difference in my hair yet.

Sep 5, 2016

Kiara H.

Yeah my hair is thick and really curly so I only wash it once a week and in the winter I wash it even less than that. but yeah I think it depends on the person and their daily routine. I wash my hair when it feels dirty and that's about once a week or every other week

Sep 5, 2016

Aurora S.

The 2nd one is a myth.
Unless you're only washing your hair like once every three weeks there shouldn't be a problem.

Damaging of the scalp comes from the use of dry shampoos with a lot of alcohol which can cause dryness/itchiness ergo causing damage.
Try using more of a powder dry shampoo also be sure to still brush through your hair everyday.

As far as washing it everyday, some people do and have no issues especially those that have very oily hair which tends to build up really quickly but even if it were greasy you could just wear your hair up or do braids etc

Sep 5, 2016

Dana E.

Lol yes I have such oily hair. I can go like 2 days without washing it and by the third day I could literally fry food in my hair it looks so bad 😂

Sep 5, 2016

Kitty K.

I think it's a personal choice as not everyone's hair is the same.

Here's a perfect picture to paint in terms of how dirty my hair can get just from the enviroment..

My job is in
• Mostly commercial business and factories
• Surrounded by three major dumps
• Constant construction everywhere (Very image obsessed city. Anything old or an eyesore gets knocked down and replaced. )
• Mostly everyone works here = great car pollution
• Commercial business and factories + construction = Expect to see at least 4 or 5 semi's in traffic, dump trucks, cement trucks, etc. and we all know how great they are at making the air black.

I work outside, 8 hours or more everyday. Some days I have to stand in the middle of all these trucks and direct traffic.

Waiting any longer than 4 days to shampoo my scalps? Insane.
I really can't go longer than 3-4 days. Depending on the day, I can wash my hair today in the morning and come home at night with hair that feels heavy and itchy.

Just combining above with sweat and product build up and all the other jazz can amount to very dirty hair.

I live wayyy out west by the gators and where words like 'traffic' hold no meaning and seeing a semi is weird.
I used to go a whole week, and sometimes even two weeks.
So I know that environment alone plays a heavy decision on how often I should wash my hair and trying to follow cookie cutter rules on how often I should wash my hair is a bit too much.

Sep 5, 2016

Ivey S.

I have thick hair and I wash mine everyday. If not it gets oily.

Sep 5, 2016

Dana E.

Thanks Kitty, that was helpful :)

Sep 5, 2016

Elizabeth I.

I definetly think it depends on the person. I wash my hair everyday with shampoo and conditioner, and I have thick and curly/wavy hair. If I even skip one day from watching my hair, it gets greasy and flat.

Sep 5, 2016

Marleen B.

Everyones hair is different. I find that not over washing is best, whatever than means for you. Oily scalps may need daily washing whereas dry hair like mine can not tolerate more than once a week without turning into straw.

Sep 5, 2016

Jamie D.

Like the ladies said above, it depends on the person. I wash mine like 1-2 times a week, and it's pretty thin too! So most people would probably say to wash it more. But I'm lazy and I don't really sweat or get too dirty, and I find dry shampoo works fine for me. Also, since I started washing less, I've noticed my hair grow significantly faster. I doubt it works that way for everyone, but washing less seems to agree with my particular head of hair, so that's what I do :)

Sep 5, 2016

Kiara H.

I found that sometimes I just rinse my hair with apple cider vinegar and it really cleanses the scalp without over drying but I don't do it too often and I still condition but I only do this if I need to wash my hair but it's also very dry too

Sep 6, 2016

Lainee I.

I wash mine at least every other day, because I play soccer and so sweat and dirt and all that jazz cause me to need to wash it✌🏼️

Sep 6, 2016

Danica P.

Everyone is so different I wash mine once a week sometimes twice if I use mousse also I do not use no shampoo in my hair only a cleanser conditioner my hair is thick and super curly and dry.

Sep 6, 2016

Danielle O.

I'm every other or every couple days. If I have to look extra nice I'll do two days in row. But I change up what I do in terms of how gentle I want to be. If my hair is only a tiny dirty but I need to wash two days in row I do a super light and moisturizing wash or a cleansing conditioner to freshen up. If it's super dirty I use a regular (but still gentle) shampoo and wash very well and then condition well.

Sep 6, 2016

Ally L.

I wash my hair when it looks like it should be washed :D I have very long hair so I only have to wash it every 3-4 days, mainly 2 times a week. If you don`t want to wash your hair to often you can "train" it by wahsing it just as often you want to, but your hair will need a little time to get used to it so your hair may be look a little bit oily the first few weeks. It also depends on your hair it really worked for me and since I don't wash my hair every 2 days it looks and feels more healthy. So I think everyone should do what feels good and right for them ;)

Sep 6, 2016

Claire H.

I think the bottom line is that it doesn't really matter unless you have particularly curly or thick hair... Wash it when it's dirty. Neither way is particularly bad or good, because it depends on the person, their hair, and their lifestyle. I wash my hair every day, and tried for 2.5 months to "train" it so I could wash every other day, and it never stopped being gross and oily. It clearly wasn't enough for me, but plenty of people like that. I just wish people would stop saying that one way is the "right" way because it's not an authoritative subject.

Sep 6, 2016

Dana E.

That's exactly what happened to me Claire! I tried ".Training" my hair for almost 8 months to train it to be washed every 3 days and after 8 months it still hasn't worked which is why I'm here!

Sep 7, 2016

Rissa G.

I wash my hair everyday. Always have, ever since I was little. I've always had super long healthy hair and no problems from doing so

Sep 7, 2016

Rissa G.

I think it just varies. People just go by what they hear though or go based off of their own experiences without realizing not everyone is the same and that's the advice they give. I try to always make it clear that what I experience, is personal, and not every one will have the same experience!

Sep 7, 2016

Laney H.

I have extremely thick hair plus it's curly and even dyed I wash it about once a week and sometimes if I feel it's dirty maybe twice a week.

Sep 8, 2016

Claire H.

Dana, it's so annoying right? I just wash mine every day and make sure to condition it regularly and it's fine :)