Eczema Help! Please


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May 4, 2016

Kelsey W.

@Eve.R ok thanks. I found a sensitive one online and I can't wait for it to come in the mail

May 4, 2016

Kelsey W.

@Livi.H where can I buy the sweet almond oil? what brand?

May 4, 2016

Eve R.

It does and I'm not too keen on the smell but it isn't strong and it works well enough that it doesn't bother me X

May 3, 2016

Kelsey W.

Thank you so much ladies

May 3, 2016

Kelsey W.

That's the only lotion I haven't tried is hemp. does it have fragrance in it?

May 3, 2016

Kathy K.

Thanks for the tips ladies.

May 3, 2016

Lin F.

Kelsey I cured my eczema taking 1 Evening Primrose oil tablet am & pm. Ask your doc whether this might help you.

May 3, 2016

Eve R.

I'm exactly the same I've suffered all my life and always had to use steroid ointments, spent the last 2 years trying to find something other than steroid cream to help because I hate having to use it so much and am scared of how much it thins the skin. Recently started using hemp body butter from the body shop and I'm in love. Started clearing up after 3 days of applying it once a day. It's amazing, I definitely recommend

May 3, 2016

Riley O.

I have also had eczema my whole life. I went to the doctor and they prescribed me with a steroid cream. It really helped!

May 2, 2016

Livi H.

My daughter had terrible eczema, it was both from food allergies and some environmental. So she never had a break. The only thing that worked was giving her a bath every evening using no soap. Afterwards I use a moisturizer that is literally free of everything. No alcohols or preservatives. I use theraplex emollient in the jar as well as theraplex barrier balm (same as the one in jar but in a tube and thinner) and eczema therapy (has colloidal oatmeal )

I would suggest to stop with the coconut oil baths.

Coconut oil is hydrating yes, but sometimes it actually dries you out when you have eczema. I would suggest using sweet almond oil, after shower/bath lather some sweet almond oil and let soak then seal it with theraplex. All my kids have eczema to the point where it would weep so I am really familiar with this. They don't suffer anymore because the products I've used have helped.

Sometimes topical steroid will work but only if you have a good moisturizer that will not irritate in the long run. If you use moisturizers with alcohol, it's going to dry you out. If you use a moisturizer with many preservatives, it will irritate your skin. carries theraplex and they have great discounts.

NOW sweet almond oil is what I use for the kids on the times they do not use the topical ointments.

I hope this helps, my heart is with you. I know it's very frustrating.

May 2, 2016

Kelsey W.

Is the nivea cream any good? the one that come in a round container?

May 2, 2016

Kelsey W.

Yes I've used steroid creams. maybe I need stronger ones. I've tried the aveeno eczema cream but that didn't last for me. I have to keep reapplying it. I have curel that worked for awhile then it just stopped. the Cetaphil didn't last for me it's too thin. I just ordered the aquaphor ointment cream on amazon.
but thank you I will try the oatmeal bath. I bought the aveeno bath treatment hoping that will help.

May 2, 2016

Sam R.

Try soaking in an oatmeal bath... just put some oats in your bath it will soothe the itching
I use curel lotion
cetaphil body wash
aveeno lotion
I know the feeling my skin also looks horrible
I also take allegra for the itching

May 2, 2016

Kat H.

Try vegetable Crisco - it is highly recommended by nurses for folks with eczema and only costs about $3 for a giant tub!

May 2, 2016

Sharan G.

Aveeno eczema care cream is best. I have tried every prescription medicines on my daughter. But only aveeno cream worked. Even use aveeno soap too. It contains oatmeal. It helps a lot

May 2, 2016

Hannah K.

Have you tried steroid cream? My boyfriend and mum both have terrible eczema and that really helps them. My mum used to do e45 cream baths too and they helped her a lot

May 2, 2016

Jen H.

Try using doublebase, it comes in a very large pump container and lasts a long time, it's very thick and worked for my eczema

May 2, 2016

Kelsey W.

I've had eczema all my life. I pretty much tried every moisturizer in the drug store. I've got lots of topical medication such as hydrocortisone. right now I can't control it. it's driving me crazy. it's been like this for maybe 2 months now. it'll get better than It would start getting more itchy everywhere. so itchy I can't sleep at night. when I wake up I'll have scratches and little scabs on my arms, chest and wrists and my face along my jaw line. that's where I've been getting break outs lately. and also on my hands too. it's never been like this since I was a kid.
I'm getting so embarrassed. I have red dry spots on my face and neck. I can't show my arms all I wear is long sleeves. :(
right now I started taking coconut oil baths. I don't know how often I should. I'm using a cream called Glaxal base and euricin. I need something thick that will last.