Eyeshadow colours for green eyes?


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Jul 1, 2015

Sabrina K.

Brittany I don't think Lili was trying to be rude! And just like Shelley said just give credit to the source! We have been noticing a lot of copy/pasted comments and that's fine, just leave a link or tell the users where you found it!
And now let's move on from this, as you said it's not fair to Anastasia!

Okay.. No need to be rude. This is beautylish, a loving and accepting community and as a long term member I though you'd know that :)

Jul 1, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

Brittany to be girl who over analyze things and has a hard time explaining her self you don't read much into what I said I said have a good one bye in other words my intentions where to end the conversation and you just keept going but I'm a say it again now that we cleared this its all good, no harm, have a good one bye 👋 �

Uhhhhhh alright?? I explained why I copied and pasted the colour theory but my notes I've developed myself which is not relevant to you nor should I have to explain that. Anyways this is disrespectful to Anastasia and distracting from her thread..

Jul 1, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

You should read of your notes and try to write of them we are all here beauty lovers and know its hard to explain things from time to time but its no big deal if someone doesn't understand they will let you know there's no need to copy and paste but if you do no big deal just give the people or source credit thats all I'm saying, belive it or not people notice what other people write and copy of the internet or other members in the community and its sad when people take credit for other peoples stuff, well have a good one bye.

What?? I normally don't cut and paste (I have a bunch of pre written notes though in my phone for commonly asked topics) and the Colour theory is something I personally find crucial for any makeup artist to know and be familiar with. I tried explaining the colour theory in my own words but couldn't so I looked online instead because sometimes I find it hard to explain things for others to understand them because I over analyze them. I didn't see a problem with this as its a universal theory that you can find anywhere and I already apologized for not linking that blog, it didn't even cross my mind because of how common the information isn

Jun 30, 2015

CPT- Lili R.

@brittany is that why you cut and paste from Wikipedia as well cuz you can't explain your self? Iv reverse searched some of your comments in the past qnd it leads me up to different sites, and theres nothing wrong with that as long as you give those sites credits and by all means if you cant explain your self it doesnt hurt to get help but being honest about it is important 

Alright haha sorry! ^ I just needed colour theory explained in simpler words than I could have and his was the most competent.

Jun 30, 2015

Shelley W.

Brittany if you're going to cut and paste at least give credit to the original. Your above info came directly from Tommy Beauty Pro's blog where he credited Fiona Stiles (another pro artist) and a few others for his information. By doing so it will provide other beauties another avenue in which to do further research on their own.

Jun 30, 2015

Shelley W.

Brittany if you're going to cut and paste at least give credit to the original. Your above info came directly from Tommy Beauty Pro's blog where he credited Fiona Stiles (another pro artist) and a few others for his information. By doing so it will provide other beauties another avenue in which to do further research on their own.

Jun 29, 2015

Aurora S.

Colors that have red tones in them.
Cranberry, berry shades, plums look good, purples with a little more pink or red, bronze, etc

Jun 29, 2015

Lily B.

Earthy tones and bronzes and golds!

Jun 29, 2015

Roz X.

Rusty is lovely. I agree.

Jun 29, 2015

Roz X.

My eyes are green and I find deep purples, plum shades, gold and rich browns with copper most effective. Tarte has a plum liner that always brings compliments and photographs nicely.


Color is the perceptual characteristic of light described by a color name. Specifically, color is light, and light is composed of many colors—those we see are the colors of the visual spectrum: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and violet. Objects absorb certain wavelengths and reflect others back to the viewer. We perceive these reflected wavelengths as color. Complementary color schemes are created by combining colors from opposite sides of the color wheel. They bring out each other, they make a visual contrast, thus both colors appear stronger against each other. Find your eye colour on the colour wheel, now what is opposite of it? That is its complementary colour. Using complementary colours next to each other makes them look more vibrant, so using your complementary colour around your eyes will make the iris pop. You can also use contrast to bring out your eye colour, a really dark or really light shade (such as inner corner highlights and black eyeliner) can really cause your eyes to be the centre of your face.

Jun 29, 2015

Dereanna D.

Rusty shades!

Jun 29, 2015

Anastasia S.

Currently I'm experimenting with my eyeshadows and I was wondering what colours would make my green eyes pop out.. I tried it with brownish colours which worked pretty good (btw I'm blonde).. What do you think?