How To Tell The Value Of Discontinued Makeup.


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Jul 2, 2015

Brianna M.

Thank you! that did help!

Jun 30, 2015

Emily W.

The price of a good depends on two things: scarcity, and demand. It is possible to have scarcity (aka rarity) with no demand: in that instance, a good would be stagnant in price. However, in an instance of scarcity where there is demand, there is the chance that price will inflate. In extreme cases, such as one-of-a-kind items, demand may create a scenario where the item becomes priceless.

With something like makeup, it will obviously never be priceless. Factors that can be used to predict price include the popularity of the original release (was it sold out immediately or did it fizzle?), remaining demand for the collection (are people still looking for it?), was there any controversy about it at any time (scandal adds to desirability), how many are still available (how scarce is it really?), what are others selling it for (and in what condition?).

I don't know enough about it to say myself, but maybe now you can evaluate it and make a more educated forecast.

Jun 30, 2015

Brianna M.

I'm just curious to find out the value of discontinued makeup like mac collections and stuff that was limited edition that is no longer being made I have looked on ebay and some fb sites but don't really see much for instance the mac precious heirloom holiday 2014 collection will it gain value I'm just curious.