"One inch, one week hair growth!"


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Aug 9, 2015

Emily W.

My hair grows an inch every four weeks, ending at at hip length. That is my genetic maximum for rate and length.

Many factors affect the rate of hair growth, the length that can be achieved, and the overall thickness. The first, and most important: genetics. You cannot alter what you were born with; the absolute fastest your hair will grow, as well as the amount of hair you have and the thickness of each strand is controlled entirely by genetics. Look at your parents' and grandparents' hair for and idea of what to expect with your own hair.

Nutrition is the next biggest factor. Nutritional deficiency can lead to slow or even stopped growth, poor hair health, increased hair fall, or hair loss. Maintaining a healthy, balanced diet and staying adequately hydrated will ensure that the hair is able to stay healthy and maintain maximum growth.

Health: unseen health issues can impact hair as well. Anemia, pregnancy, deficiencies not related to diet, thyroid problems, cancers, etc. can all slow growth, cause thinning, breakage, brittleness, etc.

Here's the facts:
- Oils do not make hair grow. They can act as an emollient and humectant to condition the hair, making it softer. They will weigh down hair, reducing volume at the root and giving the illusion of length.
- Oils cannot thicken hair. They can build up on the shaft and also attract tiny particles of dirt/dust/hair product to build up, giving the illusion of added thickness.
- Nothing can repair breakage. Breakage should be trimmed to prevent it from traveling up the shaft, resulting in worse splitting. Oils do not mend split ends.

The best thing you can do for your hair is eat right, drink water, use sulfate free shampoo/conditioner, avoid heat and harsh styles (stop teasing, pulling, tight braiding, etc.) and just let it be. It will grow. A watched pot never boils.

Aug 5, 2015

Stephanie G.

It's completely genetic. My hair grows about an inch every 6 weeks and so does my dad's and many of his relatives. My hair grows fast for the same reason that my hair is light brown.

Aug 5, 2015

Cayla S.

I don't think it's possible just over night. Lol.

Aug 5, 2015

Tia A.

I also thinks that's impossible, maybe those girls had some deficiency and the oils helped balance that
Idk, can you post the link to that video?
I wanna get in on that miracle 😀