How do you make your hair thick?


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Jul 31, 2015

Tessandra R.

I agree with Hannah and Alyx, definitely. They summed it up perfectly.

Jul 30, 2015

Olivia R.

Take one or two eggs, depending on the length of your hair, and beat it properly. Apply the egg on wet hair and allow it to sit for about 30 minutes. Wash your hair with lukewarm water and shampoo. You can use this protein treatment once or twice a week.

Jul 29, 2015

Cindy R.

Agreed with alyx. just take really good care of your hair and take advantage of natural vitamins from healthy eating.

Jul 29, 2015

Alyx T.

Do not take biotin without a blood test. Taking biotin or any pills without taking a blood test to see if your deficient is incredibly dangerous. If you're on even a semi healthy diet you're most likely getting enough biotin from your food or from a daily multivitamin. As someone who has overdosed on biotin when I was younger, please do not just go out and take pills. Just because they're sold in stores does not mean you should take them without consulting a doctor. Taking any vitamins, especially biotin can lead to very bad side effects that defeat the point of taking them fit nice hair like hair loss, hair dryness, nail weakness, skin issues like permanent breakouts, dehydration etc, not to mention the lethal ones like kidney failure, liver failure, heart palpitations and more. Read these threads for even more reasons why you should NOT take biotin or any other pills just because someone on the Internet said it's okay.

And especially this one

Jul 29, 2015

Monet R.

Taking biotin makes your hair healthier which can make it thicker, but for the most parts its genetics.

Jul 29, 2015

katie s.

I agree with Hannah. It's genetics.

Jul 29, 2015

Alia A.

Try coconut + castrol oil
then apply onion juice to the roots. although it is messy and bad smelling. but the results are worth applying

Jul 29, 2015

Hannah K.

Your hair type is also genetic. You can make your hair SEEM thicker or thinner (for example having layers put in to increase thickness look). Treatments, shampoos and conditioners which deem to thicken or thin hair are a lie. They can make it appear thicker or thinner, but cannot make it thicker or thinner.

Jul 29, 2015

Rebbi W.

It doesn't make your hair thicker over time but to get volume fast I like to put volume powder in my hair..I put it on my hands and massage it on my scalp :)

Jul 29, 2015

Savannah C.


Jul 29, 2015

Anna R.

There's certain shampoos like loreal and Pantene which can thicken your hair with proper use! Give it some time and it will work. Maybe consider changing your hairstyle to a blunt cut across the back because layering can make it thinner towards the bottom.

Jul 29, 2015

Stephanie G.

I think it's just genetics.

Jul 29, 2015

Hannah N.

My hair is kind of thick but I want it even thicker. Is there a way, maybe something DIY to make it thicker over time?