This sounds silly but..


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Jul 29, 2015

Hannah K.

As the girls said, anywhere where light hits the face! Katelyns chart is fab :)

My favourite highlighters are Benefit High Beam (which I use for a more natural look or to layer under the next highlighter), Laura Geller baked highlighter in Toasted Coconut (such a beautiful highlighter, I often uses this in conjuction with Benefit HB for a stronger look or on its on for a neutral shimmer) and No7 face luminiser (very natural luminiser, gold-toned as opposed to silver or cream-toned like most highlighters)

Jul 29, 2015

Roz X.

Yeah, I don't powder either..only rarely with Mineral Veil. Gorgeous colors! Thanks so much for your suggestions.
Katelyn, thanks for this helpful thread. :)

Jul 29, 2015

Alyx T.

Because I have dry skin I usually don't even set with powder lol. It makes me cake up, and the foundation sinks into my skin already. So unless I know I'm going to sweat lots I don't set it.
But yeah, like I mix the nars stuff with my foundation for a little glow, then add a few extra drops on the cheekbones, upper lip and nose. If I am setting it, I set it with an essence eyeshadow lol. It's a sheer pink that's the same shade as copacabana (not my picture) so it's a great setting thing without muting it it making it super sparkly.

Jul 29, 2015

Roz X.

So helpful! I mix MAC Strobe Cream with foundation, but never thought to try it in these areas. Do you set those areas with a different powder than the rest of your face?

Jul 29, 2015

Alyx T.

For me it depends on if I want a matte or glowy look. Like I have dry skin so when I have dry patches I'll use nars copacabana mixes with my foundation, then I'll go over my highlight areas with a dab of it.
But if I'm going for a matte look, I actually use an eyeshadow lol. It's from an old tarte pallete, the mattenificent one. And it's like a matte creamy white color that's about two or three shades lighter than me. But I do put both on the bridge of my nose, mostly because my nose is narrow at the top and larger on the bottom so it evens it out

Jul 29, 2015

Roz X.

Alyx, what do you use center face? I appreciate you being so patient. Katelyn, I'm new too aside from cheekbones and

Jul 29, 2015

katie s.

Lol thanks! I'm kind of new to highlighting too so thanks for telling me!! I actually have a highlighting concealer, but I can't remember the brand name ugh. Maybe I should use that instead!

Jul 29, 2015

Alyx T.

Rozberry I think it depends on the look you want. Like if you want something super natural you wouldn't use anything with sparkle, but if you are going all out the iridescent look can be very pretty. Though you have to have a light hand and slowly build up or you can look very oily and like a glitter bomb blew up on you lol

Jul 29, 2015

Roz X.

I've seen those, Katelyn. That's a lotta sparkle. I think I'd save that for my upper cheek bone and collar bone. When you highlight center face, I believe you would use an illuminating product or lighter foundation/concealer rather than something iridescent. The whole highlight thing is new to

Jul 29, 2015

katie s.

Thanks Rozberry 😊 I like to use one from Physicians Formula. It's like a pearl texture. I can't tell you the exact name because I go back home from vacation tomorrow so everything is packed up lol.

Jul 29, 2015

Roz X.

Katelyn, crazy helpful chart. What are both of your favorite highlighters for using center face?

Jul 29, 2015

katie s.

Glad to have helped 😊

Jul 29, 2015

val p.

Super helpful thanks  =)!!

Jul 29, 2015

Alyx T.

Basically apply it to anywhere the light hits you normally. This is usually the forehead, on the cheekbones, the nose etc. It's different for every face, and is really up to you. You highlight the places you want to bring forward, and contour the places you want to look further into your face.
So if you want chiseled cheekbones, highlight the top of them, and contour underneath. But if you want glowy (for lack of better word) chubby cheeks, you'd highlight the apple of the cheek and maybe contour a bit on the side, underneath the cheekbones still but not bringing it in any.
I hope this makes sense. It's easier to explain and see if you hold a lamp mid face to forehead level to see where the light hits and where the shadows are.

Jul 29, 2015

katie s.

Hope this helps (;

Jul 29, 2015

val p.

I was wondering where you guys think I should apply highlighter on my face? I don't know what I'm doing~ anyways please