How to make your hair grow.


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Oct 15, 2015

Stephanie G.

Can't we move on? In all honesty, Alyx, I've seen you be hostile and dismissive several, several times. I think Alma was trying to put a stop to this thread and that needs to happen. Just let it go. There's no need to get worked up over a thread.

And with all due respect, Shannie, we weren't being dismissive. We were offering different perspectives.

Can't we all just get along and move on?

Alma---can you post another funny meme to ease the tension lol?

Oct 14, 2015

Alma M.

Alyx why do you wish to continue then on top of that involve me with your grievance I said in the beginning everyone please respect each other and be kind. I'm staying neutral in this and BOTH PARTIES need to relax and move on because it's not serious and I understand you had your feelings hurt and rightfully so but I'm not here to Caudle I'm here to make sure you all relax and be free with your opinion with respect and help tame the situation and now your redirecting it towards me, not cool. You can't just let things be you continue to press issue's versus looking at all this as silliness, in fact you both did. Yes Reny your wrong for calling out in such a tone and yes please ask a doc first and yes let's end the Biotin issue and yes I'm a kind person that just wants to relax and enjoy the good in BL not battle someone that wants to keep up the dance battle and don't call me out of my name.Respect goes both ways. Now I will kindly say again please move on.

Oct 14, 2015

Emily B.

Hey. We all need to get along here, I thought this was a friendly community? Indeed, you can overdose on anything, however, biotin is common for women to overdose on. If you have a healthy diet you are taking in enough biotin and other minerals etc. that would not need to be supplemented. Now then, hair growth is basically determined by genetics and your body. Hair is essentially dead protein cells being pushed out of the body, so if your body has a use for the protein you will have less hair growth, etc.
With that being said, I am a nurse now and am still in medical school. That is my experience and knowledge, so knock it if you want, but don't ask where people have experience and knowledge from and then put yourself on a pedestal. YOU are not Alyx's doctor, nor her, so you don't know what caused her condition nor how her body reacted.
In addition, biotin may not cause side effects in everyone because a blood panel should be done first to determine if you lack or have excess of a vitamin or mineral.
we all need to get along. Seriously. We are adults here. Act like it.

Oct 14, 2015

Alma M.

Hi ladies let's all have a good day and treat each other with respect and courtesy.:)

Oct 15, 2015

Alma M.

Everyone's opinion matters and everyone can agree to disagree, it's valued no matter what ladies. I'm just disappointed in all actions of back and forth on this thread. Peace love and cut crease ;)

Oct 14, 2015

Shianne W.

So I stopped dying my hair, very min heat if I use it (flat iron) but my hair won't grow its been the same length it seems for years! What can I do to help grow I started to gety ends trimmed every so often but don't seem like its doing anything.

Oct 14, 2015

Kaitlyn C.

I would recommend some deep conditioning treatments. You could also benefit from a scalp treatment, this will scrape all the product and oil stuck on your scalp right off. Also continue taking care of your hair. A healthy diet and exercise will also definitely benefit you. Although not much can realistically cause hair to grow, all of these things may direct you to the path of healthier hair. Good luck, I'm trying to grow mine longer too 😊

Oct 14, 2015

Alexis C.

There's no miracle product or technique to make hair grow faster as hair growth is based on genetics however there are things you can do to help your hair grow to its fullest potential.

-use sulphate free shampoos
-use a hair mask at least once a week
-don't brush hair when wet
-use as little heat as possible
-use a heat protectant when you do use heat
-make sure your buns/ponytails aren't too tight
-drink plenty of water and keep yourself healthy as well

Please do NOT take biotin, Hairfinity, or any other hair, skin, and nail pills unless you consult a doctor first. Taking a supplement without a deficiency can cause serious health problems.

Oct 14, 2015

Alyx T.

Reny - taking biotin when you have enough in your system from food CAN BE very dangerous. It can cause all sorts of problems, just about all of any overdose. I can tell you this from studying it AND from personal experience from overdosing on biotin from a Flintstone vitamin as a kid, resulting in hospitalization with a crap ton of horrible side effects happening, and having my hair fall out for weeks after that as well. Taking any vitamins, especially biotin can lead to very bad side effects that defeat the point of taking them for nice hair like hair loss, hair dryness, nail weakness, skin issues like permanent breakouts, dehydration etc, not to mention the lethal ones like kidney failure, liver failure, heart palpitations and more. Your body will either pee out or absorb the excess amount in your system, but in most cases with biotin, especially in doses sold as beauty pills, its more than likely to get bad effects than just peeing it out. It's not a chance you should take especially just for hair growth, which it doesn't actually help unless you were completely deficient, but it's unlikely or you'd already be in the hospital from the effects of deficiency.

Oct 14, 2015

Diana T.

Reny - please don't belittle someone else's personal experience like that - none of us here are experts - even if we have university degrees we are not dermatologists or medical professionals - including yourself - we can only give advice and our opinions based on our personal experiences - to belittle someone else's personal experience is extremely inappropriate and Emily is right - this is a friendly community for us to share information - no one is claiming to be an expert - if you have a different opinion than someone else that is perfectly fine but to go so far as to say Alyx is lying and "wrong" is really just wrong of you - please keep it positive and I'm going to have flag and report your comment because it goes against the forum rules.

Oct 14, 2015

Nelli G.


Oct 14, 2015

Alyx T.

Reny - I'm not impressed. Usually you know when to stop and when you're clearly being rude. I'm not going to argue with you. I spent nearly 2 weeks in the hospital when I was younger due to excess biotin from taking Flintstone vitamins. I was low on iron and that was the only one my mother could get me to take. It made me dangerously low on several other vitamins, and I had excess biotin in my system. I went from nearly to my bum hair, to pixie cut because it came out in clumps, because when you have excess biotin it does the complete opposite of what it says in commercials, it adds to much protein, causing your hair to pretty much fall off near the roots. Biotin IS water soluble but it IS also easy to overdose on it. Like I said above, some people are lucky and just pee it out, but a lot of people aren't. There are several cases of people getting sick from biotin, and getting bad side effects, the most common question I see about it is "does biotin cause cystic acne" because yes, it can. The body will absorb as much as it possibly can, and pees out the rest, but the body also has several uses for a protein type vitamin, and it has a chance of getting completely absorbed, hence overdoses. I went through hell at that hospital, it was horrible, its part of why I had such low self esteem as a kid, I had lost 90% of my hair and had acne, gross looking skin that was so dry it practically peeled off in the shower, and I don't want anyone else to go through that, especially at an early to late teenage state, where they would be in school and prime for self esteem issues already. I was luckier to be in elementary school where they weren't always nice, but they weren't rude teenage bullies.

I could if you really wanted show you pictures of me when it happened vs before, my hair was super short and brittle looking, my skin was disgusting and I looked miserable, compared to before where I had bum length super thick hair and genetically nice skin and was mostly happy with myself.
I really am sorry you feel like it's fabricated, and I don't know why you'd think that or why you think anything else I've said is, but I am not lying, and if you Google "biotin overdose" you get tons of results with facts that will tell you all the side effects it has that I said in the first post. That was well researched mixed with personal experience.

As the girls said, this is a friendly community. I've always stood up for you in threads when someone said something rude to you. You are quite blunt a lot and a lot of people don't like it or take it the wrong way, but you usually aren't straight up rude for no reason or real facts to counter it either. I don't know what got you in such a sour mood to be rude to me and alexis here on bl, but I hope you have a good day and that it gets better for you before you ruin more friendships on here. I will not be replying to you on this thread again.

Oct 14, 2015

Merna M.

Reny in my opinion you are acting very rude. Alyx is telling us about here personal experience and you are indirectly calling here a liar. You don't have to agree with everyone but you also don't have to be rude about. If alyx is saying she was hospitalized from A biotin overdose then I believe her and feel she has no reason to lie about that. Especially when she is saying that she was bullied because of it and you are not showing any sympathy.

Oct 14, 2015

Stephanie G.

Lol thanks for trying to lighten the mood, Alma!

Oct 14, 2015

Stephanie G.

Also, I would not take ANY nutritional supplement without consulting a doctor first. I'm not sure if Biotin is FDA approved or not.

Oct 14, 2015

Stephanie G.

I've actually done some research on this after the debates and Reny is right---I also took a college course in nutrition and learned how the body processes vitamins (Biotin is a B vitamin). Water soluble vitamins do not build up. What my college professor said of water soluble vitamins in supplements is this: you are essentially paying for really expensive urine. You're not absorbing what you don't need, so all those supplements with 500mcg and 10000mcg are a waste, since you only need 30mcg a day. Water soluble vitamin toxicity is very uncommon. Deficiency is more common and is more dangerous. Again, I'd talk to your doctor. But the biggest danger seems to be a waste of money.

Oct 14, 2015

Stephanie G.

5000mcg not 500mcg.

Oct 14, 2015

Alyx T.

With all due respect Jacqueline, you are doing exactly what you say not to do.
You are dismissing and scolding people for helping out. NO ONE is saying what or what not to do, they simply say "unless you consult a doctor first". Everyone just says go talk to your doctor before taking anything. And warning what could happen if you are not safe about it. Some people don't know and wouldn't think of it for a vitamin. You are completely disregarding what I said, and again, scolding me for the same thing you did, stating your experience with it. I am incredibly disappointed. Usually you credit everyone's opinion and experience but here you are only going with one. I had a different experience with it, I had an incredibly bad experience, and like I said above, I don't want anyone else to go through it. It was hell. And I had no idea, and my mother had no idea that it could happen. Yes Reny is a nurse and she sees lots of horrible things, but she is also calling me a liar about something that has happened to several people, she even says "you can overdose on anything" and then continues to literally call me a liar. Which I thought would be completely unacceptable on here. I am incredibly disappointed in how you decided to take care of that, again dismissing what I Said, being my experience, but I guess that doesn't matter because I'm not a medical professional, so clearly I have zero knowledge on something that happened to me. Reny is a nurse, but she has not seen every ailment ever, and she obviously wasn't there in the hospital when I was a child, but to call me a liar is unacceptable and I figured you of all people would be neutral and say something to both people, instead of just taking sides and ignoring the fact that your experience is not everyone's experience and it does not matter more than everyone else's. This is the second time where because I had a different experience or opinion than the rest of the crowd, and gotten scolded and disregarded completely.

Oct 14, 2015

Alma M.

This is unfortunate and sadly now this thread will be lost in the debate mist. I was hoping you all would pull through and all agree to just disagree and move on but that is not the case. Thank you all for voicing your opinion on Shianne thread and hope your day gets better. Thought I would lighten up the thread one last time with my fave singer lol ya that's what my face looks like when I don't see happy. ;)

Oct 14, 2015

Alyx T.

Right. I agree alma but an apology for being scolded for the exact same thing as Jacqueline would be nice. I really really like you both, you're great, but this is incredibly rude and as grown women you'd think that you'd at least acknowledge where and what happened to escalate things and how to solve it. Saying move on is not solving it. Apologizing and realizing that you are also in the wrong is how to help everyone here move on and not carry resentment. Because this is the second time I've been scolded for having a different experience and opinion than Jacqueline or the general thread, and then told to get over it and move on without the acknowledgement that my opinion is respected, and that you as people won't treat me like shit. Its disrespectful, rude, and unprofessional of you both.

Oct 15, 2015

Alyx T.

Honestly alma - it really doesn't matter to me about you, you're a mod I get that, this is mainly an issue with Jacqueline, but you also have to understand that this is the second time it's happened to me personally with both of you. I get the "move on" but honestly it's just making me think of you and Jacqueline in a hostile way. It's not how I want to see you both, but this is the second time you both ignored, belittled and treated me with hypocritism. You both say everyone's opinion is valid, but Jacqueline treated mine as not, and didn't outright say it, but implied that my experience doesn't matter because she's been doing it and she's fine. Everyone on here just says check with your doctor because these things can happen, and I've experienced some of them, but she dismisses me, like she's saying not to do to others, but did it to me anyway. Like I said above, its completely possible to overdose, I have, but that's obviously not going to happen to everyone, Reny even said it herself, but still continued to call me a liar. I am tired of being dismissed and scolded for telling an experience that happened to me, or warning people of something completely possible, and being scolded for having a voice. I feel like I'm repeating myself from my last post, but I really feel like you both have dismissed me for absolutely no reason, since everyone else in this thread got a response but when I called Jacqueline out on her post being completely hypocritical, she doesn't respond. Like I said, I am trying to respect you both still, but I am definitely not feeling respected at all by either of you. I don't want you to caudle me, I want acknowledgment that just because someone have a good experience doesn't mean that their opinion is better than others who had a bad experience, and that it's completely rude to just dismiss it instead of resolving it like adults. Honestly I don't feel at all respected or anything but belittled and treated like my voice is nothing, and this is the second time. Nobody apologized for the first time, but I let it go, thinking it was a one time thing, it's just a little thing and I didn't want to overreact because I respected you both. Then this happened again and it's making me feel like shit about it. I love this community, I always feel respected, treated kindly and listened to, but now I don't at all. But I don't want to take it again. It was rude the first time and I should have said something, I've seen it happen to others as well and it's not okay.

Shianne W.

Cleveland, TN