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Feb 8, 2017

Mishel S.

Thank you so much for all of your reviews! The endless makeup/skincare options can be overwhelming & can consume HOURS (or days) while trying to make a decision. We are the same age, have the same complexion & skin type so thank you for simplifying my choices!!

Jan 16, 2016

Nicole A.

Thank you, I love reviewing products, that alone besides my makeup obsession is so fun for me (:

Nov 18, 2015

Kimberly D.

Trisha!! I'm so glad I stumbled on your profile on here, I'm a big fan of your videos [should've known you would have one! lol. I'm "blurred2291" on youtube]. Thanks for doing that wayne goss video on his brushes... I just ordered the new set! :)

Oct 20, 2015

Nadia W.

Hey Trish! Thanks for following...I'm following you too!

Apr 7, 2015

Diana T.

Hey girl I saw your review of the coverFX contour palette and that photo you uploaded looks flawless! You should post more pix of your work! Love it!

Sep 8, 2015

Trisha W.

Thanks so much!! I always forget to post pics, so thanks for the comment! I am trying to post more! :)

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Trisha W.

Location: Los Angeles CA

I wish glitter cannons followed me around all day!

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  • 98  Products Tagged

About Me

I&#39;m a professional listener and spend 1/2 of my week helping people in the entertainment community in Hollywood and the rest of my week as a free lance makeup artist. You can also find me making videos for my youtube channel or posting on my beauty blog. <a href='' rel='nofollow' target='_blank'></a>

Eye Color: Blue
Complexion: Light
Undertone: Neutral
Skin Type: Combination
Hair Color: Brown
Hair Texture: Fine, Oily
Birthday: April 20
Age: 48