Attack of the Love Handles


Working your obliques helps to shape your torso while strengthening the muscles that help to support and protect your back.

Perform these 5 moves in a row with no breaks. Try doing 2-3 sets!


On your knees, extend your right leg straight out to the side. Place your hands behind your head. Engage your core.

On an inhale, bring your torso down towards the floor, getting your left elbow as close to the floor as possible. Hold, exhale and return back to starting position.

Perform this 20x and then switch sides.

Side Balance

On your knees, keep your left knee on floor but extend your right leg out to the side and bring your left hand to the floor. Extend your right arm up and over your head and lift your right leg off the floor.

On an exhale, bring your right elbow and right knee in towards each other to touch. Hold, then inhale and extend the arm and leg straight again—back to starting position.

Perform this 20x and then switch sides.

Snake on Hands

Coming into a plank position on your hands, cross your right foot over your left and turning your hips to the right. Keep your shoulders parallel to the floor.

On an inhale, lift your booty into the sky and exhale drop your right hip down towards the floor. Keep core engaged.

Perform this 20x and then switch sides.

Snake on Elbows

Perform the "Snake on Hands" but now on your elbows.
Perform this 20x and then switch sides.

Side Plank Twist

Lying on your right side, stack your feet one on top of the other. Keep your right elbow directly underneath your shoulder. Keeping your legs straight, lift your hips off the floor. You are now in a side plank.

Lift your left arm up into the sky. On an inhale, take your left arm and swing it underneath your body, twisting your hips. Exhale, bring your left arm back up to starting position.

Perform this 20x and then switch sides.

Kit Rich is Los Angeles-based fitness trainer with endless exercise and nutritional know-how. Hollywood's hottest stars are addicted to Kit's unique, multi-disciplined approach that combines cardio, yoga, Pilates, and weight training. Kit's clients are immediately taken by her funny and honest approach to health and fitness. She treats her clients as she treats herself, "with a hard challenge, sensibility, sensitively, and a good laugh." Follow Kit on Twitter @kitrichfitness.