Stop and Smell the Roses


Receiving (or splurging on!) a bunch of roses will always brighten your day. And dressing up your nails with a design inspired by the flower is sure to make you smile every time you look at your hands. Red roses symbolize love and passion, yellow represents happiness, friendship, and new beginnings, white is for purity and innocence, and pink roses mean grace, elegance, and admiration. Add extra flair to your manicure with pearls and lace, and your fingertips will look as lovely as a floral arrangement.

Natalie C.

When it comes to creating a ladylike manicure, Natalie nails it! She pairs baby pink, cream, pearls, and roses in a delightful combination that makes us think of rose-patterned teacups.


The combination of Cutepolish's robin’s-egg blue background and red roses reminds us of '50s shirt dresses and retro wallpaper prints. The color blend is quirky and fresh, and her flowers can be achieved with three C-shaped brush strokes.

Elaina Y.

The lace effect is elegant and delicate, and a vintage rose print adds an extra-fun girlie vibe to the manicure. By painting a singular statement nail like Elaina’s, you'll create a pretty dose of floral that’s not too over-the-top.