Beauty Product Reviews | Page 7

Great Lip Balm

I just bought my first one the other day and I've used it everyday so far. Its great at conditioning your lips and leaving you with a glossy finish plus it doesnt smell that bad either.

Great Gel Liner

I really like this gel liner even though I can only compare it to elf gel liner. I love the color pay off, it lasts all day, its easy to apply, and it doesn't dry up quick. With elf gel liner it lasts all day and applys easily, but it drys up quick and doesnt have that good of a color pay off. So as of now the eye studio liner is my go to gel liner.

Great 2 in 1 product

I love this product and highly recommend it. I love Revlon products as it is and once again they've put out another amazing lip product. It's a great 2 in 1 product because it gives the color and shine of a lipstick/lipgloss and the conditioning of a lip balm.

Good base

This is currently the eyeshadow base I use now. And this is a product that I've repurchased. I do like this product and it works well, but to me it works just as good as the $1 elf one. It does prevent your shadow from creasing all day and I like using it as a base for neutral eye shades, because I find a white base works better for color to really make the color pop.

Love them

I love NYX cosmetics to begin with. These jumbo pencils are great either alone or as an eyeshadow base. Plus they have a great color pay off. And I'm on my way to collecting all of them.

A top 2 lip balm

I really like these lip balms. Besides baby lips lip balm its one of my top 2. I dont have really dry lips so it gives me just the amount of moisture I need. Plus they smell great!

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