Travel makeup bag?


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May 16, 2014

Jasmin Q.

I use to be really bad at packing my makeup but now I think I got the hang of it. I pack things that I use for full on face makeup. if you would like to see you can check it out here ill appreciate it and I hope it'll help you out too. :)  thankyou!!

Apr 17, 2014

Beth W.

My travel bag is quiet big because as it soon hits the end of may I am out in the caravan every weekend to car shows.
My makeup bags contents ;
Red lipstick
2eyeshadow palettes
My brush collection
Hair straighteners
Hair pins and bobbles
Hair spray and gel
And blusher,bronzer and fake tan 😘

Apr 17, 2014

Cami F.

God, I put a ton of stuff in there. I usually will pack one trusty primer, foundation, concealer, powder, bronzer, and blush. As for eyeshadows, I typically pack a palette such as the Smashbox Master Class 2 (which has bronzer, blush, eyeshadow, and eyeliner), Naked 3, or Lorac Pro. Palettes are super nice because they are versatile, but still don't take up a bunch of space. I always bring one mascara, one felt tip liquid liner, and one pencil liner. Lastly I will bring about 3 different lipsticks. One neutral, one bold, and one in between. Besides that I pack my usual skincare and toiletries. Hope this helps!

Apr 17, 2014

Lindsay H.

I do the same makeup pretty much every day since I only have the makeup that I actually use and I don't have any extra stuff
so I just bring the normal makeup like

A setting powder
A lipbalm or tinted lipbalm

And a highlighting eyeshadow

With all my skin care things and makeup remover

Apr 17, 2014

Ashley D.

Brow powder
Setting spray
Mascara and well everything

Apr 17, 2014

Shiro M.

Just the basics... Concealer, SPF, one small shadow quad, mascara, lash curler, pencil liner, lip balm, cotton balls, q tips, and makeup remover.

Apr 17, 2014

Lucy J.

What do you have in your travel makeup and beauty bag?